Shameless self promotion, I guess...


May 29, 2002
Oslo, Norway
Some of you probably know this already, but he new Havoc Unit album “h.iv+” is out now on Vendlus Records. I did vocals on a song for them in return for the remixes they did for us on “The Circular Drain”, so lend an ear to “Ignoratio Elenchi” and tell me what you think.
I really enjoyed it, great work. Although, maybe it's just me but the vocals seemed to be in the background a little bit, other than that I can't really say anything else.
I just listened to the track. You're vocals are pretty impressive on it, the style is what I expected and enjoy from you. Although I do think they shouldn't have made the music nearly louder than your vocals, it's a bit off putting.

I'm not really a fan of Havoc Unit myself, although they do remind me of Project Hate mcmxcix :lol:
I find it rather funny that I really enjoy Ambient, but have have never found one drone band I'm interested it.