Sharia Law (Faith-based arbitration)


Apr 24, 2003
Toronto, Canada
I don't know if anyone outside of Ontario has been following or knows about this recent debate, but it's been an interesting ride.

Basically, some Muslims believe that they should be allowed to resolve family disputes over such things as divorce, child support, etc. according to the laws of their faith and their countries of origin. This is achieved through (hopefully) independent and unbiased panels of faith-based arbitrators, and has been practiced unofficially around Canada for some time, not limited to Muslims.

The issue has come to a head in the past few months, with protests on either side, and the government slow to take action. A couple of weeks ago, Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty made a decisive move on the issue, instating a province-wide ban on all faith-based arbitration and reassuring the people that there would be one law for all Ontarians.

FUCKING RIGHT, there will! I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy with those who are outraged by this decision. Why should minorities be allowed to circumvent the legal system of this country simply because they have their own beliefs? The possibilities for human rights and womens rights injustices are too great, never mind the generally ludicrousness of the whole situation.
sounds like they want to beat the crap out of their wives in canada, but keep it legal like back home in Ikeekajoowifeinnaherface, Saudi Arabia.
yeah they talked about implementing such arbitrations in Quebec, but I think our gouvernment refused even before arguing. I could be mistaken about our situation though. I'm glad Ontario said no to this bullshit.
Erik said:
how about you dump them in the fucking ocean and let them practice the law of their countries of origin floating around clinging feebly to their wretched earthen possessions, crying into INFINITE SPACE for their DEAD IDIOT GOD as THEY DROWN IN MOTHER OCEAN'S ENDLESS TEARLIKE SALTY CARESS OF DEEP BLACK DEATH

:lol: this is EXACTLY the kind of thing i like to hear

You win this thread, Mr. Grahn!
if they want to practice their law, they can go back to where they came from. Your in canada now, you follow canadian law. If you have a problem. Leave. See if I give a fuck.