Shaun Of The Dead!!!!!


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Best film of the year so far, and easily the best homage to Romero ever, all wrapped up in *very dry* British comedy.

Just watched the uncut version tonight, and it 'aint even out at the cinema yet over here -- multi-region DVD players rule!

Zombies with rigor mortis, ripping entrails and gunshots to the head, and some of the best one-liners since Snatch.

Think: Night + Dawn + Day + Zombie (Fulci) + Evil Dead + Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

Cannot recommend it highly enough for you undead freaks!
Yeah, I should say that it's a comedy first and foremost. But it's been written & directed by obvious Romero/Fulci fans which makes it all the more cool as a spoof, and it's an original script as opposed to remake or reimagination, etc.

I mean, what have we had with all honesty? 28 Days Later, a remake of Dawn(!), and two disasterous Resident Evil films. What a waste, although certainly better than nothing. This destroys them all I reckon.

There are so many hints towards other genre movies, SotD is also perfect companion to beer drinking games, if you may or as you do.
No way, JayKeeley likes a movie with zombies AND British humour!?!? :loco:

I want to see this, and so I shall. Someday.
I agree! This is by far the best movie of the year so far. "A romantic comedy... with zombies" how brilliant is that? :)

Speaking of zombie movies... Have you heard the basic story for Romero's 4th Dead movie, which starts filming on October 11th?

"Following 'Night of the Living Dead,' 'Dawn of the Dead' and 'Day of the Dead,' 'Land' begins when the zombies having taken over the world and those left alive are confined to a walled-in city that keeps out the corpse corps. Anarchy rules the streets, with the wealthy insulated and living in fortified skyscrapers. Drama revolves around a group of scavengers who must thwart an attempt to overthrow the city while the dead are evolving from brainless slow-moving creatures into more advanced creatures."
One Inch Man said:
No way, JayKeeley likes a movie with zombies AND British humour!?!? :loco:
Dude - you can just imagine, I was sitting there watching it with this huge grin on my face. :D

I want to see this, and so I shall. Someday.
It comes out in the US tomorrow -- I saw a trailer for it last night. Big screen viewing would rule. :cool:
Unsumed said:
"Following 'Night of the Living Dead,' 'Dawn of the Dead' and 'Day of the Dead,' 'Land' begins when the zombies having taken over the world and those left alive are confined to a walled-in city..
Yeah I read about this. I think it sounds great in a Day of the Dead meets Escape from New York kinda way....but, I'm really not sure about the concept of zombies beginning to evolve. Still, Romero knows what he's doing provided the producers etc don't clip his wings.
Simon Pegg, the main guy in the film, writer etc. made a comedy show called Spaced on British TV. I haven't seen the film, but I'm led to believe it's the same sort of comedy as Spaced, and it's a good show, so you might want to track down some DVDs. There were only 2 series though. He's a funny guy. Again, very British humour.

JayKeeley, have you seen The Office? Funniest thing ever. I heard that (yet again) they tried to make an American version and (yet again) it sucked.
Doom said:
Simon Pegg, the main guy in the film, writer etc. made a comedy show called Spaced on British TV. I haven't seen the film, but I'm led to believe it's the same sort of comedy as Spaced, and it's a good show, so you might want to track down some DVDs. There were only 2 series though. He's a funny guy. Again, very British humour.
Yes, I had seen one episode of Spaced a couple of years back so I knew roughly what kind of humour to expect in Shaun. I'm not sure how a mass American audience will take to it, and I'm even surprised it didn't go straight to video over here. I guess everyone's into zombie flicks these days which is why most people will probably go see it.

JayKeeley, have you seen The Office? Funniest thing ever. I heard that (yet again) they tried to make an American version and (yet again) it sucked.
Yeah, it's brilliant. I knew they were talking about remaking The Office as a US version, but I'm not sure if they ever did? The silly thing is, the UK version was a huge success over here in the states (meaning the American critics loved it, and those who have the 'BBC America' channel really raved about it.)
JayKeeley said:
Yeah, it's brilliant. I knew they were talking about remaking The Office as a US version, but I'm not sure if they ever did? The silly thing is, the UK version was a huge success over here in the states (meaning the American critics loved it, and those who have the 'BBC America' channel really raved about it.)
They did a pilot, not sure if it went any further than that though. I heard it wasn't very good.
I never got into The Office, I found it very dull. I bit too British, I guess!

Shaun Of The Dead is amazing, in fact I think I'll get it on DVD for my birthday :) it's a very British sense of humour, yes. I don't know how to describe it but it's very far removed from what comes over the pond. I guess that's one of the appeals about it. It's hella funny, and so fresh!

You know that bit at the end when Shaun's mate lets off that whopping fart? We saw it in the cinema and I let off one at about the same volume about two seconds later :D
Saw this last night, and yeah, I was cracking up. I'm sure some of the British humor went over my head, but some of the stupid shit really made me laugh. However, do Brits find farts funny? Dunno, I got over that back in elementary.


Still, the part where they find that female zombie in the back yard, and they think she's drunk is fuckin' hilarious, and when they're deciding which records to throw at the zombies, haha.

I was also surprised by the realness of when the zombie ripped that dude's entrails out. Pretty gruesome, but I was glad to see him go. Too bad most filmmakers shy away from showing females being ripped apart like that, which is what we should've seen with that blonde with the huge cromagnon forehead.

Was there suppose to be some irony or something when SHaun and his girl were rescued by the same chick that he saw while going to the pub? Kinda like "If you would've followed her, no one would have died"?

Still, I really enjoyed it for what it was, a goofy tribute to the Romero movies.

PS - 28 Days Later rocked.
I enjoyed the Coldplay cameos. ZombAid. Haha.

I loved it but my mother (a horror movie fan) hated it, expecting it to be some kind of total Night of the Living Dead style gorefest which it wasn't.
It was OK. I have no strong feeling about Zombie movies one way or the other. I do, however, enjoy the Brittish sense of humor. That being said, I thought this movie would be funnier than it was.

I think people who would appreciate this the most would fall into these categories:

- like Romero
- like dry British comedy, in particular "Spaced"


Some of it happens so quick, the timing is impeccable, but yeah, the film was made primarily for "Spaced" fans that like a bit of horror on the side. I've only seen it once and I know I probably missed 25% of teh funny.

I'm amazed it even made it to the movie theaters over here in the US...this is obviously thanks to the success of 28DL and (amazingly enough) the Resident Evil movies. I refuse to see RE pt. 2, but fuckkit, at least Romero got his budget for volume IV.
mousewings said:
I enjoyed the Coldplay cameos. ZombAid. Haha.

I loved it but my mother (a horror movie fan) hated it, expecting it to be some kind of total Night of the Living Dead style gorefest which it wasn't.
The montage at the end made me laugh harder than anything else in the movie, which I thought was a great parody/homage (more the latter, all the gags are done with utmost respect) of the Dead films...supermarkets need zombies!
Seriously, whatever your convictions are on Brittish comedy, you NEED to see "Black Books". Several of the same characters as Spaced and Shaun of the Dead... but much, much funnier. They're on DVD... should be just as available as Spaced.