Shaun Of The Dead!!!!!

Décadent said:
Seriously, whatever your convictions are on Brittish comedy, you NEED to see "Black Books". Several of the same characters as Spaced and Shaun of the Dead... but much, much funnier. They're on DVD... should be just as available as Spaced.
Black Books was class :cool:
I watched this again last night, it was on TV.

Holy crap, I forgot how brilliant this film is !! That one scene where they're beating the zombie pub landlord with pool cues, all to the rhythm of Queen's "Killer Queen" is genius!!
fantastic movie!! best part was when they start throwing vinyls at the zombie in the backyard
yeah, once the premise was setup and they were on the way to the bar for the final confrontation ... it became a run of the mill "zombie don't come in here" flick ... the humor kind of ran out of steam too.

the first 40 or so minutes were pricelss though
Not reading the rest of this thread, but I've seen this flick probably about 5 times and I enjoy it more and more as I go along.