Shhh... life's little secrets


Eyes Wide Open
Nov 15, 2001
Bay Area, California
There are little tricks in this world of ours. Bringing your large popcorn bag back to the movie theater (or better yet, having every member of your crew go out one after another for a refill.) has worked for me plenty.

But the guys at reddit (my favorite website evar) put them together in this thread. Here are some of my favorites.... got any of your own?

Choice cuts:

• Next time you lose your phone charger, don't buy another one. Go to a hotel and say you think you lost it there. It's the #1 most left behind item at hotels, so most places have a big bin filled with every phone charger imaginable. (works for umbrellas, too)

• to get free air (for your tires) at Shell gas stations, press the button on the side of the pump three times. The pump will start without you having to insert any coins.

• When you wake up in the middle of the night to do something, cover one eye with your hand and leave it there until you return to darkness. The eye that was covered will have retained its ability to see well in the dark so you will not run into the dresser on your way back to bed.

• Here's mind from college - if you're lucky enough to live in the UK and get your tv from Sky, call them to 'cancel' every 3 - 6 months.. Their retention dept. is underpaid and undersupervised - they will give you anything to make sure you don't go down as a cancellation on their call..
- I subscribe to Comcast and they have the same policy. Just tell them the cost is too high and you can't afford to keep paying for it. They will do anything to keep you on board, which usually involves giving you one of their current "new subscriber" deals. My current deal is $40 per month (just the cable, not internet) with all the normal channels + HBO/Encore/Starz. Once a year they try to bump me up to like $70/month or something like that, and I call and say "sorry it's too much, cancel me" and they drop it back down again. Going on my 5th year, now.

•If you get good service, tell a supervisor.
This doesn't really help me, but a little bit of good dead karma is never a bad thing.
If you've had a problem with your cell phone, cable, whathaveyou, and the person doing tech support solves it quickly, ask to speak to their boss and let their boss know. Customer service fucking sucks, but when a customer tells your boss you made their day, it sucks just a little less. It doesn't cost me anything to make someone's day.
People don't say thank you nearly enough or give credit where credit is due.

• A bum once told me he secret to life was owning stocks. I thought he was going to tell me that he was really a millionaire, but it turns out he just owned lots of different stocks so he could get steak dinners at all the shareholder meetings.

• Get Propecia for 2.50 a month instead of 189. Go to your doctor. Get him/her to prescribe you something called proscar which is 5 mg of finasteride (for prostate health) while propecia is only 1. The good part about this is insurance covers proscar (because there is a medical purpose for it) so instead of paying 189 bucks a month you pay roughly 10 a prescription. Then cut it up into quarters. So it's a 4 month supply for 15 bucks (it's really hard to cut into 5ths so just go with 1.25 milligrams, it won't hurt you since people take 5mg of it with very little to no side effects). This has worked amazing well for me. My brother is almost completely bald, while I have thicker hair than ever before in my life. 45 percent of men regrow hair, 45 percent stop losing it and 10 percent see no change. Also don't let pregnant women around the broken pills since it can cause birth defects.

(This is actually true, I just found Proscar, without prescription, for $29.90 for 30 5mg tabs.
That comes out to $5.98 per month, if you split them into 1mg tabs. Compare that to almost $200/month)
• When you wake up in the middle of the night to do something, cover one eye with your hand and leave it there until you return to darkness. The eye that was covered will have retained its ability to see well in the dark so you will not run into the dresser on your way back to bed.

Ha! Maybe this is why I naturally keep one eye closed when I first wake up.
There are little tricks in this world of ours. Bringing your large popcorn bag back to the movie theater (or better yet, having every member of your crew go out one after another for a refill.) has worked for me plenty.

lol your theater doesn't refill it twice? we dont give a shit at ours.
I heard that's why pirates wore eyepatches.

I'll try the 3-press airpump thing. If it doesn't work... one of these days, Brooks, POW! straight to the moon.
Cinemas make money from refreshments, my experience is that they are pretty touchy about maximising profits based on them.
The one about the Shell Gas Stations is a myth.. I've heard about that a few years ago, and I think they must have changed that... Doesn't work.

Also- the hotel-phone charger deal.. so much effort for a less than $30 product.
I mich rather pay more for convenient.

The one about the one eye coverd is a military trick- we used to always be trained to wake up in the middle of the night and do it :)
•If you get good service, tell a supervisor.
This doesn't really help me, but a little bit of good dead karma is never a bad thing.
If you've had a problem with your cell phone, cable, whathaveyou, and the person doing tech support solves it quickly, ask to speak to their boss and let their boss know. Customer service fucking sucks, but when a customer tells your boss you made their day, it sucks just a little less. It doesn't cost me anything to make someone's day.
People don't say thank you nearly enough or give credit where credit is due.

Now with that, I totally agree!
I do that too. It's a great thing, and it's amazing how it really does makes people happy and appreciative about their job and the fact that their hard work is appreciated.
I used to work for customer service for years, and I definitely know what it means to get the good word from someone. If anything it makes you work even harder for the next person you'll see/ talk to and your positive vibes and mood will show.

When I managed, and received good feedback about my employees I felt even better about it knowing I did my job right and they are great with the customers.

Also, at several of favorite local Arlington places, I drink for free/ or for a symbolic amount, because all bartenders love me because I wrote them a great letter to their boss :D