
^So if it's not a black or Viking Metal band who knows what you're really listening to. :p
and I had to redownlod LastFM for this week's scrobbles to be scrobbled, I hope this doesn't become a weekly thing.
For me it took a month and a half (IIRC)- but my order also required negotiation and bargaining.
Im trying to get the bargaining part out of the way before I order, now I'm waiting on the final reply of how much the shirt will cost in dollars and if I can order it using the page or doing it manually. As long as it comes in before college starts August 23 I'll be happy. :)
I got mine uber fast, I was expecting 2 month wait and I got it in like, 2-3 weeks. I live in Canada.

Mine took a month to arrive, but by the time I had the order all sorted out, it was the Christmas season, so I imagine that they were swamped with the 5735725835702 other people out there who desperately needed Borknagar shirts.
digging up an old thread for a quick question to girls around here or anybody who has an idea, for that matter:

have any Borknagar girly shirts ever even existed? i have failed to find even a picture of any such thing so i'm wondering if it does make sense to keep looking if none were maybe ever printed :rolleyes:
If there were and you happen to be a happy owner of one, would you maybe post a picture of it please? thnx!
I own Quintessence and Empiricism t-shirt, both are XL, but they are already a bit too small for me ˇ-ˇ I would definitive need XXL - what means another utopian search for it...
Since last time I posted here I've gotten a Quintessence LS.

The Norwegian metalshop Wolfs lair went to Vortex' house to pick up a lot of Dimmu and Borknagar stuff on their way to Wacken. I knew about that, since I know a guy working there (he invited me to come to Vortex' house, but my travel arrangements wouldn't let that happen), so I headed right for their place and nabbed a shirt when I got to Wacken. I was going to buy a Quintessence hoodie too, but I forgot.