
*sigh*... i gave up looking for any Borknagar girly shirts, since nobody even knows such thing ever existed...
I just want to say: if the band has any say in these matters, they really should have some girly shirts printed too when Universal is released! pretty pleeeeze :notworthy
The Norwegian metalshop Wolfs lair went to Vortex' house to pick up a lot of Dimmu and Borknagar stuff on their way to Wacken. I knew about that, since I know a guy working there (he invited me to come to Vortex' house, but my travel arrangements wouldn't let that happen), so I headed right for their place and nabbed a shirt when I got to Wacken.

Mecca :grin:
need ideas for the new shirt designs? how about something like this! :p

now i know what to do with my Arcturus/Borknagar/Vintersorg male shirts :lol:
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This is my Borknagar T-Shirt. One friend of mine made it. It's just awesome :p

