Short HOW DO MIC CABZ - ¯\(°_o)/¯

You can but be careful not to overload the input on the amp. You can put any pedal in the chain thats true bypass. That sway you are sure you arent overloading the amps input.

overloading the input...uh what?

You just made me think though, I am curious as to how the amp would sound if you pushed the input (and first gain stage) harder and brought down the the gain on the saturation stages to get more even cascading among the 4 stages.

I am guessing it would be a muddy mess because V2a is biased cold for the sharp and tight saturation, but its worth a try.
Dude, I love your 57 tone. Best sharyn di I've heard yet IMO. Mind you im listening at work through some sennheiser earbuds(unsealed). GJDM
