Short HOW DO MIC CABZ - ¯\(°_o)/¯


mesa (ˈmeɪsə)

— n
a flat tableland with steep edges, common in the southwestern US

[from Spanish: table]

in short, any english use of the word was just co-opted from the original spanish word
I've always pronounced it "may-sah"... right or wrong, I've spent too many years saying it that way to try and change it now.
Typical "Sneap" Style Settings:

Drive: 9:00
Tone: 12:00
Level: 12:00

Pre: 4.5
Low: 7
Mid: 2.5
High: 7
Post: 1.5 (I live in an apartment so I have to keep it pretty low)
Res: 8
Pres: 10

Of course these get changed a bit depending on the guitar. But I find these settings work great with EMG's especially in a Mahogany guitar. For passives I tend to boost the level on the TS a bit more just to give the guitars a bit more oomph and I lower the Low on the 5150 to about 5.

firstly nice video dude.

where you've got these settings?
You remove the outer 2...

What post Processing Was done on this... I Just got my 6505 and im in desparate need of getting my guitar tone down...

sorry i just reread this and i must have missed where you said there was nothing... thats crazy im gonna get to work...
Cool vid man. That’s almost identical to what I do, Good to get reinforcement that im not fuckin something up lol