Should Eugenics Make People Superior to Yourself?

There is no merit in saying these traits "would not have naturally occurred."

Designer babies means a checklist of traits: Shakira's nose, Seal's eyes, Reese Witherspoon's cheeks, and so on.

There is no calculation of how these fit together to make a whole person. It's pretense taken to the extreme.

You remind me of many other people without high intelligence: they are unconvinced they are anything but supor-geniuses, yet cannot comprehend basic topics. Don't you and your ancestors have some turnips to pick?

On the plus side, I use people like you for my arguments against white supremacy. We need white eugenics and white nationalism, or more probably Euripid nationalism, but claiming you are superior to a black person is dodgy at best.
Designer babies means a checklist of traits: Shakira's nose, Seal's eyes, Reese Witherspoon's cheeks, and so on.

There is no calculation of how these fit together to make a whole person. It's pretense taken to the extreme.

You remind me of many other people without high intelligence: they are unconvinced they are anything but supor-geniuses, yet cannot comprehend basic topics. Don't you and your ancestors have some turnips to pick?

On the plus side, I use people like you for my arguments against white supremacy. We need white eugenics and white nationalism, or more probably Euripid nationalism, but claiming you are superior to a black person is dodgy at best.
This is surely the winner for most ironic post that I've read on the UM forums. For starters, I had to have a cognitive evaluation to be tested for adult ADD and my IQ was estimated around 145, which is just a bit shy of supor-genius. Additionally, your implication that I'm somehow uneducated about genetics and evolution is completely absurd, as the majority of my education revolves around these topics and I take them both very seriously.

The most confusing part of your whole post however is your implication that I'm somehow a white supremacist (despite my residency and participation in my campus Global Living and Learning Center, which I mentioned either earlier in this thread, or in your Inconvenient Science of Racial DNA Profiling thread), and then created some obscure connection between the two topics for the sole purpose of generating an insult that would simultaneous reinforce your own self confidence in a feeble attempt to convince others of the legitimacy and credibility of your otherwise disreputable arguments.

If you honestly feel so strongly about this topic, why don't you find a few sources to support your argument, rather than discredit every past and future discussion you've had / will have on these boards by making baseless claims about (better educated [obviously]) individuals whom you know absolutely nothing about.
Of course not. When a child is born with severe genetic defects does it require an extraterrestrial to attack it for it to die? It just dies. I can't believe Blotus and you can't see how obvious that is. :erk:

Hairy and small brained? Our brains are getting smaller now. If we don't halt, and ideally reverse this process then the future won't exist for us in any form. The only speciation that I forsee happening that can leave anyone alive long-term is if we find some way to regain the strengths we have lost.

Why do you say "hairy" - obviously I am not talking about some kind of apeman here, but how we were at the advent of civilisation. The people who first created civilisation were in peak mental and physical form. They were good looking, intelligent and healthy. Why do you prefer ugliness, stupidity and sickness to that?

If my argument does not convince it is not because the argument is wrong, but because many people lack the necessary spirit to see the truth of it. The weakest fear and hate strength and will find any way they can to oppose it.

Do you claim that domesticated animals are a product of evolution? They, like us, are bred in a process that by-passes natural selection. But one day all this artifice will collapse and natural selection will have its chance to salvage what it can. That will be a lot more painful for humanity than would be an attempt to manage the process in accordance with how we percieve that the end result of a return to natural selection would purge us.

I put "dysgenics" into youtube, the song came up. Googled the band's name, found this website. Searched "dysgenics" in the forums and this thread came up. And now I find a red-haired blue-eyed woman with "White Nationalism" and "EXTREME POLITICS" as her sig. Wow.

I'm gonna keep browsing these forums and see what else comes up...