Should I go to my company picnic this Saturday?

Should I stay or should I go now?

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What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
(v2.0 because the last one was FUCKED up)

Normally I don't, but as of about 6 months ago, I now have certain responsibilities at my stupid job (none of which I asked for nor am I compensated for, all of which I try to avoid). Usually I make up some excuse like "I had shit to do" or "I was hungover" or the classic "I didn't fucking feel like it" and go do something more entertaining with my Saturday, like eat paint chips. But apparently this year I have to at least make an appearance, or I could possibly get in trouble the following Monday.

Vote, discuss, spam, whatever.
go ... don't you have any friends at work that you can hang with there and make fun of the execs?
lurch70 said:
go ... don't you have any friends at work that you can hang with there and make fun of the execs?
We don't really have execs, just a group of investors that come in twice a year to show off their Bentleys. I don't really like my coworkers. I don't dislike them, but I can't honestly say I'm friends with any of them. Besides, I learned long ago not to open my mouth about ANY coworker, and I don't. :Spin:
I choose 4. It's your life and if you don't wanna do it and aren't getting paid for it, then do something you'd enjoy more.
So I went on Saturday for about 20 minutes before bailing for a quick jaunt up the hills and then off to the pub. Apparently I won a DVD player in the Big Giveaway but since I wasn't there it was forfeited.


"Ha ha!"
Whoa, that wasn't a joke? This thread is over a week old so I thought you were being clevAr. Excuse me, I have to spin.
