dear andy, the thing is that if you don't go to uni you'll probably work many hours and get a crappy wage. if you do go to uni, you'll probably work less hours for a decent wage.
bare in mind tho, that this is not always the way. maybe you can manage to find a job that pays well without going to uni. but that's not easy at all.
me experience (from wathcing other people) is that uni-less you'll deffo work harder. me uncle is at the states and he works like 8-10 hours a day to keep the restaurant going. yeah, he makes decent money but he works like a dog.
it's up to you to decide really. personaly speaking, i don't enjoy "manual" jobs. i have no problem studying for something that i like. you must be interested in something, right?
and i can't quite see how uni is so bad. i mean i've learned tons of interesting stuff, stuff i wouldn't in any way have learned if i didn't study. i enjoy it. yeah, sometimes them papers are a bit of a pain in the arse but overall i have no major complaints.
anyways, just trying to help out. do what you makes you happy.
shit, that was pretty long...