Should I go to univershitty?

come on sol. i know many people that didnt study having good jobs.
or this, me best mate studied 4 years to have this A1 grade (polytechnic school, like siderea said, chemistry as well (yeah we met when were 14 in the same class)) and now he is doing exactly the same job i did a year ago. waste of time eh!
look. personaly speaking i don't think i have much of a chance getting a good job without studying. good meaning one i like, even a bit. one can never be sure about those things tho. i just go with he flow i guess...
i'll go with most of the guyss suggesting University.if its only 3 years then dont even think about it.go straight away.and when you adapt to the schedule,you can see if a part-time job fit in as well.Classes cant consume aaaall your time,eh!
its better to struggle a little and then take your chances in the work market than risk,remaining an unskilled worker.
You can always,though,keep your eyes open for chances that can change your life.
still. its a huge difference between studying in greece or belgium. here we get already a specialised course when were 12, or 14 it depends.
like my brother started out studying music at school when he was 14. i dunno if you can do the same anywhere in greece. i mean regular school like.

this means we have a big advantage of course. i can well understand that in greece you cant just get a decent job after regular school. ar hardly. and then there are few or none factories around as well in greece.

and apart from all that. with a shitty job here you earn as much as a well decent job in greece. okay the standards are higher here but still....
you are right level is down the drain here, way we can have a level at such an early age.we can do other thing tho.technical schools like.from 15 years old.but these schools gather lazy and mostly uncapable people,not really smart like.and of course greek workers are the worst paid in the whole of Europe.and we call ourselves Europe....:err: Greek economy has always been a tragedy :lol:
ah. you know i havent been to the 'smartest' section at school as well. i did but i was too lazy heh :tickled:
there are like 3 levels here. 'humaniora' for the smart and busy ones and for posh gets, technical is like middle class and then the dumb section.

i did middleclass. and i got through on one leg. im still thinking about the fact if i did some efforts where i would have ended up like. but i dont regret this whole thing about me lazyness :erk: at all now.
I'd also vote for university, basically cause I've always found studying much more fun than working (and since I've been working for a couple of years now, it seems it's more and more fun being a student compared to being a worker). Being a university student is good cause there are nice and cool people around you. Though I loved my teachers too :D And I loved most of the stuff I learned there.

So university broadened my horizon in a lot of ways. I'd go back if I could, but free school is over for me, boohoo. Though I haven't absolutely given up on studying yet.

And when I graduated, I was offered a job at my department, and I was paid much more than those secretaries who had been working there for ages, just because I had a degree.
>>>>"i know many people that didnt study having good jobs."

That doesn't happen in the U.S. It doesn't even happen here IF you have an education. Only for some.
And everybody here works long hours. My sister is corporate with two degrees and she has never worked under 12 hours a day. My husband has a degree and he works 9-11 hours a day.
I have a degree and no job.
But if you want anything here you must bust your ass for it.
pagan2002 said:
Andy Yes You Shoud Go To University And Make Sure You Pass. You Wont Regret It.

ah hmm yes I probably should, how were you at school Danny? I did ok then after at college it went wrong. I guess you were just thinking about making a career with Anathema so school wasn't a big thing to you? I was too immature to do anythin like uni in me late teens, I grew up when I turned about 22/23 :grin: anyway I'd rather have a job like yours mate :Spin:
Which isn't gonna happen, Andy. Like I said, very few people get to do exactly what they want or love to do so go to school and make sure you pay attention this time!
Bastet said:
if you don't do it, you might regret it for the rest of your life ! (i know, believe me)

just do it !
ah its all against one eh?

i mean you can regret it that you did these studies. like this guy who studied 'nursery' but now he dislikes the job so he does sth else now. what he doesnt like as well... but sure he regrets his choice...
BTW Im not saying that andy shouldnt study. its up to him really, but it seems that you lot just say that studying is making you better, happier and all that nonsense.
but i can understand. for lots of people its nice to say theyre a doctor. thickheads. :erk: