Should I or shouldn't I.... (amp questions)


Sep 22, 2010
Orlando, FL
So I rewatched Ola's Mesa Mark V videos and I've become quite lustful of that amp. The problem is they're a bit expensive and I'd wind up selling a few things to pay for it completely. Currently I have 6505+, a Laney GH100, a Mesa Studio Pre, and an ADA MP1 for my world of tonal possibilities. I figured I could sell the Laney, Mesa, and ADA plus a couple mics I don't use anymore to get me most of the way to affording a Mark V, but would you recommend it?

I like the idea of having a lot of different amps at my disposal for a bunch of different tones, but the Mark V just seems so versatile that I really wouldn't need the other amps. Combine it with the 6505 and I could get something terrifically nasty.

The Peavey will still be my live amp, most likely, and the Mesa would sit at home/studio for recording purposes. So what would you do? What should I do? Why does Ola make me want things I can't afford?
Just remember you dont have Ola's hands or technique!

Make sure it sounds good with YOU playing on it before buying it!

The V is versatile as fuck, for me though I cant justify the price. I would rather have alot of amps for less cash then one cash cow and be semi happy.
Just remember you dont have Ola's hands or technique!

Make sure it sounds good with YOU playing on it before buying it!

The V is versatile as fuck, for me though I cant justify the price. I would rather have alot of amps for less cash then one cash cow and be semi happy.

That's quite true, unfortunately I don't think any place in Florida stocks Mesa's for me to test it out so I'd have to order it and hope for the best. Also, it probably wouldn't be just me using it, I'd make it available for anyone I record to use it as well.

I'm still gonna have the 6505 too, so that's at least two cash cows.