Should I upload my stems or not?


Rocket surgeon
Dec 1, 2006
I'm almost finished tracking of our new EP and will start mixing next week. I'm thinking of uploading full stems, DIs, tempo tracks and midi-files for all of the songs on this forum as soon as we release the official tracks.

I'm just a bit worried about a shitload of unofficial remixes popping online. I've already found numerous versions of our songs from Soundcloud titled "Band name - Song name" with no indication that it's a remix. I want to share the tracks with you guys, but I also want to ensure that when new people get to hear our music for the first time, it's not some twelve year old kids first practice mix.

I have nothing against people sharing their versions, but I really would like that they would stay mainly between the people reading the original thread. Would it be too much to just clearly forbid people from uploading their versions anywhere where they are publicly available for everyone? The other possibility is just to ask that they name their versions for example as "Metal practice mix 1.mp3" with a link to the original.

Any opinions?


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Wow, this song is FANTASTIC! I really liked your first EP; hoping the second one will tear my face off too.
Wow, thanks for the huge amount of good feedback! I'll make sure to upload the stems since demand is this high.
Wow, thanks for the huge amount of good feedback! I'll make sure to upload the stems since demand is this high.

In the meantime, you might consider editing your original post and erasing any trace of song/band name (or creating a temporary one), so it doesn't pop out on the web by it's original name... Of course, nothing will work like a good old 48pt red bolded warning like "Please, don't publish this anywhere without asking me first!" :)
