Should Mexican Immigrants Be Allowed Into The U.S Freely

I don't agree with Krig about ALL non-citizens being deported. Some are here for work or school and their placement is only temporary. If they decide to stay for more than 5 years, they should at least attempt to become citizens at that point.
Well thats different.. duh.

Also, the fact that Hispanic immigrants are discriminated against is a major intimidation that keeps them from wanting to become citizens. They'd rather remain below the radar than have to put up with trying to fit into a prejudiced society.
My friend is Mexican. His parents are from Mexico City, but are US citizens now.
I have another friend that has parents from Taiwan. Both now US citizens.

no, give all of the rapists and child molester's capitol punishment to open up some cells :p seriously though, kill those fuckers

and as far as doing jobs other people wont :lol:
I've worked with many poor bastards at temp jobs. Those guys would take anything to stay alive.
There are thousands of people that would take those jobs.
Words of truth Krig they don't know how shit rolls in the midwest this job market is tough. I at one time worked for a temp agency at Hewlett Packard and i be goddamned if they didn't have 6 temp agencies at one location. You cant win here.
illegals immigrants are the minority (no pun intended) in the fields of work that they do with hotel cleaning number one. I had to do a debate of some other a few years ago on illegal immigration and they don't even come close to making up a majority of the workforce in their fields.

and building that stupid wall won't do shit. Penn and Teller hired "dayworkers" (illegals) from some gas station somewhere and had them build a scale replica of the wall per the government's standards. then, Penn and Teller divided the Mexicans up into teams of two. One team had to go over the wall, the other team through the wall, and the last team under the wall. The slowest team had conquered the wall in approximately two minutes. If some stupid wall is the government's idea of border security they better think of a backup plan.
Some of you are retarded and shouldn't participate in this discussion (Krig, viewer_from_nihil), but some of you are making decent points I feel compelled to respond (LadyVal, ~gr~).

You seemed to be hung up on this "they broke the law" thing, and I'll admit that is quite important. I don't think the entire problem here is the law breakers, but the law. I see it as a slightly less insidious version of the jim crow laws in the south that prevented Blacks from voting. Even, disregarding the morality of the law, consider what is pragmatic. Deporting people is not going to do a single goddamn thing to stop them from coming and it wastes resources. If they're coming anyway why not optimize they're potential by making it easy for them to work and pay taxes? I'm not saying take everyone, but clearly kicking everyone out hasn't done any good.

I've considered the fact that I am speaking from a state that has little illegal immigration (although a look at every landscaping crew would suggest otherwise), but conversely have you considered that having personal experience might emotionally charge an issue that is better served by objective analysis?

On a final note, fuck right off about this "English is the only language of the US" bullshit. English is not the official language, it is just the majority language, and despite all the doomsaying, is likely to stay that way for the foreseeable future. And reading signs in two languages is not a hardship. Everyone in Canada seems fine with it. How immature are you?
I've considered the fact that I am speaking from a state that has little illegal immigration (although a look at every landscaping crew would suggest otherwise), but conversely have you considered that having personal experience might emotionally charge an issue that is better served by objective analysis?

Yes, definitely. I just wanted to point out that it's easy to have a different opinion on something that you haven't been around as much.

If you want to consider it wasting, then you could think about all of the resources going into catering to the illegal immigrants by putting things in Spanish (literally nearly every kind of legal document and voting ballots in California have Spanish versions printed on the back, think of all the wasted paper! :p).

I still don't think there should be a morality issue with this, if we want to keep our country safe and protected we need to have standards about letting non-native people in. It's enough that we have domestic criminals, but we have to worry about foreign ones sneaking in too.
In short, no. I live in Texas, so I am in one of the most affected states. Let me tell, it is annoying to have signs in stores, billboards, etc with Spanish on it, right below the English text. If you're going to come into the country, at least learn the damn language.

Also, everyone complains about rising medical costs? Well, if our emergency rooms denied these illegals access to FREE HEALTH CARE, by saying no to treating a damn fever at the ER, then perhaps the taxpayer's costs would go down. Yes, there are other factors into the rising costs, but c'mon.

Also, with more illegals comes more crime. True, these are usually isolated incidents, but Houston crime rose exponentially when we took in those damn Katrina hoodlums, and these illegals aren't helping matters.

I agree with this post, for the most part. Replace Texas with Florida, and add mention of illegals from Haiti in addition to Hispanics, and there you go. I'd be perfectly fine with them being here if more of them came legally.

It doesn't effect my job, and there's no danger of them keeping me from being employed where I work, but it's becoming a big problem here.
I'd really like to say that it's a country's right to limit immigration which lowers its overall standard of living, but I can't really get past the moral issue Cookie and others have brought up.

When thinking about this topic, I often get a picture in my mind of people from poor countries flooding into wealthier countries and dragging them down until everyone's equally poor, but of course that's a flawed way of looking at it since there will always be certain types of jobs that pay more than others, and which skilled or socially well-established people will be able to hold. It's easy for middle and lower class people to complain about poorer immigrants stealing their jobs, but that's just the reality of holding a job which anyone can do. You can't justifiably claim that you deserve a job more than someone else does.

The real problem behind all this, I'd say, is overpopulation. I think that if countries begin adapting measures to control or reverse their population growth, then they'd be much more justified in turning down immigrants from countries without such measures, since they could claim that the overpopulated country is collectively morally culpable for living unsustainably.
Cookiecutter made an excellent post. We should not be lazy and we should not mind having to read an extra few lines. ITS NOT A BIG DEAL.
I really don't understand the complaint about signs and documents being printed in the two languages. It's not like it poses a real problem for English speakers. There's the part in English which you read, and the part in Spanish which you skip over. Now, one might think this whole phenomenon doesn't do a whole lot to encourage bilingualism among the immigrant population. If Paco can't understand you when you ask "Would you like fries with that?" I can see that being a problem.
Yes, definitely. I just wanted to point out that it's easy to have a different opinion on something that you haven't been around as much.

If you want to consider it wasting, then you could think about all of the resources going into catering to the illegal immigrants by putting things in Spanish (literally nearly every kind of legal document and voting ballots in California have Spanish versions printed on the back, think of all the wasted paper! :p).

I still don't think there should be a morality issue with this, if we want to keep our country safe and protected we need to have standards about letting non-native people in. It's enough that we have domestic criminals, but we have to worry about foreign ones sneaking in too.
You could argue that deporting someone is more resource intensive, and that printing things in multiple languages just makes more people productive but that's nitpicking.

I think your point about standards and safety is a good one.The fact is though that the vast majority of mexican immigrants (just like most people) are not criminals, and given a relatively decent standard of living and acceptance that comes with being an American citizen, even fewer would be. They may have broken immigration law, but that is a different animal than criminal law.

I really don't understand the complaint about signs and documents being printed in the two languages. It's not like it poses a real problem for English speakers. There's the part in English which you read, and the part in Spanish which you skip over. Now, one might think this whole phenomenon doesn't do a whole lot to encourage bilingualism among the immigrant population. If Paco can't understand you when you ask "Would you like fries with that?" I can see that being a problem.
But that's Paco's problem not yours. Why should he "get the fuck out"? Other countries have two or more languages coexisting in them (India, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland) is it so bad that a minority of the population only speaks Spanish? I just don't get where all the hate comes from.