Should Opeth make a video?


Oct 21, 2003
War for Territory
...and I don't mean like the cheesy one's they did for Harvest and Windowpane... I mean like a fully feldged video. I mean, their level of popularity almost demands it, and depending on what label they sign to for their new album, it's kinda likely.

So... what kind of video should they have? What would it be about? What would be in it?

Personaly, I'd love to see the whole love/hate relationship being played out between Melinda and Jack Frober. They fall in love, get married, and then an ogre (played by Mikael) crushes Jack, kidnaps Melinda and makes off into the forest...

Of course, I'm playing on the hunch that the new album will be a Still Life remix album...
hmm, it would be odd to see a full fledged video, obviously, since they've never had one. but your proposed SL idea sounds interesting.

or maybe per and mike could be intensely into a game of badmiton, while the martins, both in corpsepaint, run amok across the court. and peter, the referee, just stands around in his hippy clothing, dancing under strobe lights smoking hash.
LOL, i always liked tthe cheesy ones with them walking, smoking, playing driver \m/ but maybe one cool and well funded one wouldnt hurt. The lepper affinity, and Mikael directs and stars in it, aswell as the rest of the band.
deliverance said:
or maybe per and mike could be intensely into a game of badmiton, while the martins, both in corpsepaint, run amok across the court. and peter, the referee, just stands around in his hippy clothing, dancing under strobe lights smoking hash.
You have inspired me in a way I wish never to be inspired again. Behold... you idea comes to life, in all its Photoshop cheesiness.

:tickled: this thread is awesome, i love mendez in that photoshop thing,

i actually made one of my final films for my final year as a sort of video clip to "Dirge For November" about the link between depression and suicide, was very amateur but turned out pretty good
ShroudOfDusk said:
You have inspired me in a way I wish never to be inspired again. Behold... you idea comes to life, in all its Photoshop cheesiness.


Just DON'T get me started about Photoshop or I'll be here all fuckin' day! One of my clan members is a Norwegian hamster freak (all cuddly and fwuffy… bless), so I put it to him that he should be out there burnin' churches and doin' time with Varg! Here's a little something I knocked up in Photoshop for the occasion.


The curious/bored/terminally braindead among you can check out the whole shebang if you're interested.
Shroud, very well done. I'm impressed. I, too, am assuming it's a Still Life remix. i think i actually read that somewhere in a recent interview. i want to say the latest Revolver but im not sure.
I like gunhaver's idea.
LordHypnos said:
i think your mom and i should make a video. ;)
Oh my god that is so funny, pure genius. Its so fresh too. I mean no one makes "your mom" jokes these days. Its about time someone came up with a creative, new joke. Its so funny because you dont know his mom at all but if he thinks you're fooling around with her he may get pissed off. So halarious and so new and not cliched at all. Good job