Show me yours and I´ll show you mine!

Shit you don't own, amazingly enough, isn't yours. If you own mp3s of shit you USED TO own, it still goes under the category of "shit you don't own."

Well, the consumer doesn't actually own the song. They own the CD that the songs are on, the jewel case it came in, and the little booklet. CDs are a medium upon which to store music... so is a computer...

But anyway, I'm just going by the technical definition of collect/collection, not "omfg uber tr00 and kvlt every metal CD, tape and record ever made wtf".
If you consider mp3s on your computer of CDs that you DO NOT OWN a "music collection," then you're retarded and a leech.
Have you ever heard a something called connotation? You might want to look that one up for yourself. Obviously in the realm of this discussion, a collection is limited to physical or electronic property that one possesses and retains legally. Is this really difficult to understand? Do you honestly not know why a "collection" of mp3 files that somebody no longer owns the rights to is not considered a music collection?
Have you ever heard a something called connotation? You might want to look that one up for yourself. Obviously in the realm of this discussion, a collection is limited to physical or electronic property that one possesses and retains legally. Is this really difficult to understand? Do you honestly not know why a "collection" of mp3 files that somebody no longer owns the rights to is not considered a music collection?

Is it really that hard to read?

I also never specified if these songs were downloaded or ripped.

Leaving this thread due to unecessary assholeness. I hope this isn't the way you conduct yourself in real life :)
Have you ever heard a something called connotation? You might want to look that one up for yourself. Obviously in the realm of this discussion, a collection is limited to physical or electronic property that one possesses and retains legally. Is this really difficult to understand? Do you honestly not know why a "collection" of mp3 files that somebody no longer owns the rights to is not considered a music collection?

Why does something have to be obtained legally to be part of a collection...?

That post was completely irrelevant, and you don't even realize why.

I also never specified if these songs were downloaded or ripped.

I wasn't even talking about you regarding mp3s, I was talking about the person who posted a screenshot of his ripped mp3s of CDs that he no longer owns, which does not constitute ownership.

Leaving this thread due to unecessary assholeness. I hope this isn't the way you conduct yourself in real life :)

Thank you for the pathetic little jab, and yes, clearly I behave the same way in person as I do on the internet.
"Music collection"? Probably, yeah. Only if they are the complete album though.

"CD/Album/Whatever collection? Metal Collection?" no.

edit-so I half agree with you. Sort of.
The general, connotative understanding of "collection," as in when somebody says "this is my collection" entails items that you own, meaning you legally have the rights to it. And when somebody posts a thread on a Metal message board asking people to share their collections, you'd be wise to assume that 99% of the time the original post isn't asking you to flaunt your DC++ scavenges, but rather pictures or a list of your CDs/cassettes/vinyls/purchases mp3s. I think this should be very well understood by now.
It is entirely possible to have a collection of mp3's. It is music, you know.

mp3's=music. collection of mp3's=collection of music. It is entirely different if someone is asking for your collection of cds/cassettes/vinyls imo.
CONNOTATION you nitwit. I am fully aware that, by definition, you can have a "collection" of illegal mp3s. But read my previous post, please.
Yes, understood. This thread, however, is about your music collection, as in collection of music, and you even use the phrase multiple times in your above posts.
Actually, if you go back to the original post, the poster was interested in knowing "what music other people got on their shelves," and I'm pretty sure that wasn't a metaphor for "folders" on your computer, so if you're going to resort to semantics and wordplay, I'm still right. :p

Yeah, so this got way more heated than it should, which was pretty stupid, so I apologize for that. Whatever.

And I just remembered that I never actually posted my collection, so here it is, to get back on topic.
Actually, if you go back to the original post, the poster was interested in knowing "what music other people got on their shelves," and I'm pretty sure that wasn't a metaphor for "folders" on your computer, so if you're going to resort to semantics and wordplay, I'm still right. :p

I'd take out "Purchases MP3's" in your other post then. There is no way to prove whether or not said MP3 was obtained legally, that and in this post you clearly state the OP was in no way referring to MP3's/WMA's etc. whether purchased legally or not.

Now, I'm not disagreeing you, clearly anyone who knows how to put things into context knows what the OP is talking about.

I merely bring this up as it seems a little contradictory.

EDIT: Also to these lists, I don't quite understand how they fit into this either, because it is quite easy to put on a list CD's that you don't own, to increase that E-Peen a little. I say stick to pictures :) (Not saying anyone here does that, just saying its an option, and rather keep to pictures as they are a bit harder, and more work if you so wish to "cheat" them :) )
Necuratul, I just went back through the thread and re-read all of your posts because I'm not really getting your point, here.

One the second or third page you said "mp3's = not a music collection", and earlier on this page you said the opposite ("...but rather pictures or a list of your CDs/cassettes/vinyls/purchases mp3s..."). So it seems like you're saying that mp3's that weren't purchased don't count as part of a music collection. Is that what you're saying or am I off-base here?

(For the record, yeah, I know the OP was asking to see collections of CD's, vinyls, etc.)