show some support

YEasss gr1m r34p0r saved your, uhm.........death?

Woo google images is teh best!!!11einz
ok the story:

i came late so i couldnt make a soundcheck before performing.

i unpack amp, cab and cables and stuff...
amp: on
...waiting a minute...
amp: standby
play some notes... vapor - buff - power amp broken
kthxbibi i used my fathers fender as power amp. which was big mistake.
well no soundcheck coz i was late... = bad sound... + not knowing how to make the settings with the fender as power amp.
so performin was just gayzz0rz and at the end... my pick flew away!
ok i played the rest (30 secs or so) with the fingerz..
at home i recognized i left my best pullover there.

and while goin to this computer to write you that i broke my left little toe..

fukkz0rs day... :(

edit: yeah i recorded it ... maybe i'll put it online the next days but i dont know.. :(
i don't want to sound mean...but i have to say you kinda got pwn3d there!!1
but you know what always helps:
1) Grab a dartboard
2) Grab something to either throw or shoot with
3) Grab a comfy chair since i reckon you don't want to be standing with that toe
4) Grab a picture of Joonas and put it on the dartboard
1) grab a cigarette
2) grad a lighter
3) burn my fingers (its still the same day)
4) smoke
Glycerine said:
i don't want to sound mean...but i have to say you kinda got pwn3d there!!1
but you know what always helps:
1) Grab a dartboard
2) Grab something to either throw or shoot with
3) Grab a comfy chair since i reckon you don't want to be standing with that toe
4) Grab a picture of Joonas and put it on the dartboard
6) grab a bitch and fuck her furiously...