Tomarrow I Travel

hehe have fun there!!! hope you can cope with the direct sunlight of Rio's beaches at noon, whitey :-D j/k

and say hi to the turma over there!

ps: don't let them force you to eat their so called barbecue :ill: j/k
Have FUN and try to pop in here sometimes to give us some info about that FUN.

You know, now is your chance to let us know about the REAL life.. :lol: :lol: :loco:
BodomiC said:
enjoy then :D

This will be the most-out-of-spam days since a long time :D

He told me I should post here because you guys are nice and funny soo....let the spamming begin!!!!!

p.s. I know you are gone already Thomassssssss but if you forget my postcard I will beat you with a plastic spoon! Ha-Ha! :)
Thank you thank you thank you. :tickled:
My best work has been done in the Chat forum, but we'll see what kind of damage I can do here.