I'm-a gonna ask for an absurdly huge raise tomorrow

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
and im a little nervous. ive never asked for a raise before :lol:
ive been unhappy at my job for awhile now and i recently got a 3% raise which is a fucking joke. aka "cost of living" raise. in other words, i make the same as i did last year.
fortunately for me, it's *my* market and im going to ask for what amounts to about a 30% raise hahahahaha and if i dont get it im very seriously going to look for another job
the problem is i dont want to. :erk:
i have a pretty good case in that im the boss's best RN and she's told me as much. soooo....
wish me luck or whatever
thats the wife told me. she once asked for a $10,000 raise and when she didnt get it, she quit, got a new job and ended up making about $20,000 more hahaha
i dont think itll be too hard, the boss and i have a friendly relationship. i just worry that all of a sudden shell go into boss mode and be like, "sorry, guess youll have to get a new job." which wont be hard, i just dont want one. hahaha she doesnt know that though

edit: @ what unhinged said
depends on what part of the country. with my recent raise, i make very close to $24/hr. im gonna ask for $30/hr. a buddy recently quit because they wouldnt give the same amount to him and he went and found a very similar position, asked for $35/hr and they gave it to him hahahahaha he rules
yeah but it's not too bad. i'm pretty happy he's not formula fed. that stuff's expensive
RiA is implying that you enjoy feeding on your wife's breasts, even more than the little dude. At least I think that's what he's implying.
you might be able to get that ... its a risky move in some ways, because if they call your bluff and let you go ... well.

what I would do, if I was happy with the job but not the pay is actually get a job offer in writing at a higher pay rate from another employer/hospital ... and then threaten to leave. you can actually show the letter to them to prove the offer you received. If you are as good as you say, chances are they will at least match it and want you to stay ... at worst ... well, you got another job.

I did this once by the way years ago and it worked like a charm, it was a 14K salary jump from one day to next.
hah, in my experience it was pretty nasty stuff, when my little brother was younger my mom would sometimes not clearly label things in the refrigerator :ill:
in screenplay format:


[i enter, open the refrigerator]

me: hmm, let's see... soda, purple stuff...whoa! milk!


me: whoops, breast milk