Dudez with kidz

I can't give birth because my pelvis is dislocated or whatever you'd call it.
Our healthcare works great for emergency stuff, but if you don't bleed and scream a lot you'll have to wait for a LONG time to get help.
We have two kids--one is two and a half, and the other is eight months old. Best thing that's ever happened to me, but you have no idea how much it will change your life until it actually happens to you. Overall, you don't mind much (or even notice) because you are so totally in love with your kids (you also can't grasp that until it happens to you), but there are definitely some difficulties. Day care is fucking outrageous--we pay $1200 a month, and overall I'd say our children cost us a total of nearly two grand a month. That's a lot of cheddar for a couple of social workers in Louisville. As far as time for hobbies goes, I'm lucky, in that I get to listen to music most of the day at work. My wife goes to bed early, so I spend a couple hours a night on the computer, listening to music, writing reviews, etc.
I'm turning 35 this month, so we're definitely in a good place age and experience wise to start breeding. Best of luck to you.
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
no, one of the tubes they drop down got twisted somehow so it couldn't drop, so they had to untwist it. Then they had to go in again cause it filled with some fluid shit and had to seal it up. Then they had to go in again and reseal it cause it came undone. This was all when i was less than a year old. It's all 100% intact, it just needed some help.

You're luckier than I was. My parents didn't know why I was constantly screaming until my nad was purple and the size of a small baseball. I must have looked like an infant with elephantitis of the nadz. :tickled:

I'm never gonna have children. :yuk:
@eminor: thanks dude. yeah, ive heard about how expensive childcare is. thats why we're not doing it. we planned our 20s around not having to continue with both incomes. bought our house based on one income and all that. $1200 a month just isnt worth it to me. i mean, someone else is raising your kids and what? half? of one of your salaries is going to day care? not worth it. the caretaker could be touching your kids in inappropriate ways and you would NEVER know it. dont mean to scare you - its just one of the many reasons why i would never do it.
yeah, we were LOADED when the wife was working but i figure it's only a few years before we ship the boy off to kindergarten and she can go back to work.
bah! finances suck!

ps: thanks to womens liberation, americas housing market is now based on two incomes. its bullshit. if you want to live in a nice section of town, prepare to A) not have children or B) let someone else raise them while you both work.