Dudez with kidz

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
yeah, so the demon child is coming in a couple weeks. life is going to COMPLETELY change. how do you duderz (and chickz) deal with it? i mean, no loud music, no staying up as long as i want, no fucking in the living room (or kitchen or whatever), no violent movies, etc. and an incredible amount of responsibility.
yeah, its easy to be a fucken bum and just raise children haphazardly but i want to be the best. i remember seeing my dads playboys as a kid and i think i was scarred for life. not mention my parents' constant fighting. i dont want any of that shit.
ok, honestly, im just really bummed at not being able to blast nile as loud as possible.
comments please.
obviously the music thing is an issue cause when the wee babe comes home, he/she'll be sleeping alot, and not just at night. But that's what headphones are for.

but obviously, the sleeping child will still allow for random and spontaneous pokings.

and you'll have to be tolerant of your woman being exhausted at times because she'll be getting up alot in the middle of the night. Although fathers can help alot with diapers and such, sometimes there's no substitute for the mom's presence, and I read somewhere that a woman will hear her baby's crying much easier than a man, and therefore will wake up first most of the time. Just hope the baby isn't collicky. My son wasn't, but I've heard some horror stories.

oh....and wait til your first experience with ear infections and projectile vomiting.

but you are aware that your life is changing, that's way better than being some moron who thinks it won't. Just look at it as the continuation of the process of change that began when she got pregnant; you've had to deal with things like her morning sickness (if there was any), her getting really big, beginning to spend more money preparing for the baby (crib, bottles, blah blah blah).
thanks for the thoughts.
and, yeah, we've spent what seems like a billion dollars on shit. i didnt realize that strollers cost *hundreds* of dollars. wtf?

with my health care background, stuff like infections and projectile vomiting shouldnt be a problem for me.

@headphones: got 'em. i dont usually like to sit still while listening though. ive been playing music for going on four hours now and ive been all over the house.

a good quote from a friend during our far-from-being-parents days: "the other day i was speeding through town on the way the the childrens hospital ER and saw you guys sitting outside Provence sipping coffee - not a care in the world. man, i hate you."

now that will be us.

oh well.
nah, make way too much. but speaking of, my wife tells stories of these fucks in her yoga class that cheat the system and use WIC in spite of their prolific income.

@vomiting: damn. thats insane. shed just puke at random? my wife never had any vomiting issues. shes had pretty bad heatrburn though and consumes organic milk at a rate of a gallon every two days. ive spent literally hundreds of dollars on milk in the past few months.
actually 16 hours isnt bad. i mean relatively speaking. also, "labor" is incredibly subjective. your ex-boss's water-breaking doesnt really have much to do with when labor begins. her true labor may have in fact, taken many many hours. you can use this fact against her if she tries to rub it in your face.
@cthulu: heh, they probably had to pull your ass (well, head) out with forceps.
what in gods name would be in your throat? perhaps the umbilical cord was wrapped around it eh?