Shreding/Soloing and a self taught guitarist

May 16, 2005
Seattle, WA
I've been playing for about 6yrs now, and I'm pretty good, I got pretty much everything down when it comes to rythym, still got a few things to work on....Anyways, I'm wanna learn to solo or shred whatever you wanna call it, I've been learning scales and what not, I was hopin someone could suggest a few other ways to learn the art of shreding on your own, since there is no way I can afford lessons....Thanxs in advance for the help :headbang:
what helped me with shredding alot instead of uses boring shred tabs like 'up the scale and down the scale' i learnt songs from bands like Children of bodom,Dragonforce,Sinergy,Warmen,Racer X,Necrophagist, you may not like htese bands but i found it so much better than learnin shred by jus doin boring scale shit, and them bands may not shred all the way through thier songs but they have very tricky lead melodies, and the solos they quite hard.
good calls. also, play everything clean, no distortion, making sure you can play it perfectly, slowly, first. otherwise you're learning to play fast, but fast and sloppy, good luck!
i was self taught, been playing for 9 years, and what i do is just go through licks from songs,

scales work well, GET A METRANOME! seriously. also get comfortable with your lead playing, use all 4 fingers and work them in with what you play, the more comfortable your fingers are on the neck, the easier it is to play without mistakes.

there are some good guitar world articals as well. and there are sites you can go to to find scales, runs, you name it. Finger exercies are also important.