
Okay, the way I see it, is patient, dammit!!!.........Yes, well, with Mattias and I visiting the D.T.-board, rahvin is just gaining experience points as a moderator, because we are like the ultrakings of everything and stuff, and so, we must carry a lot of experience points (and subsequently also have loadsa health points as we are practically impossible to get rid of or subdue). So, we are actually doing rahvin a favor (a really great and humongous favor) by being at the D.T.-board, because by dealing with us he is earning himself plenty of experience points and thus upping his level as a moderator significantly. You see? First, when we weren´t around he was a mere Level 2 Dude moderator, but now, largely due to our supreme presence (mine, at least) he would be the equivalent of a Level 321 Arch War Sorcerer Mage Warrior Battlepriest Healer moderator. You see now? We are actually of enormous aid to dear sir rahvin.

Where in shit´s name did you find that paragraph, Mattias? "i couldn't monitor the situation 24/7" - you know what this means, don´t you? This means that rahvin is NOT at the board always.

And, by the way, note that I also do not suck.
This has to entrail the title of most interesting thread since..."I am the best person in the world by far..."
You two are a case. I always get at least two or three laughs from your threads. I commend you and bestow the halo of fire upon Sir Rhavin. Perhaps we can drag him down by his limbs.
Where is it that you two plan to thread mostly from now on so that I too may join and have a somewhat enjoyable life? :notworthy:
Originally posted by Mattias of the Night
Oh wait, we are banned.

Why that little... rahvin!! He makes me so angry that I just wanna... :mad: :mad: :mad:

ANGER INSANITY WAAAR!!! Injustice has been done. What are you going to do about it Sic? Personally, I'm going to play geetar.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Originally posted by U[Sic]M
Okay, the way I see it, is patient, dammit!!!.........Yes, well, with Mattias and I visiting the D.T.-board, rahvin is just gaining experience points as a moderator, because we are like the ultrakings of everything and stuff, and so, we must carry a lot of experience points (and subsequently also have loadsa health points as we are practically impossible to get rid of or subdue). So, we are actually doing rahvin a favor (a really great and humongous favor) by being at the D.T.-board, because by dealing with us he is earning himself plenty of experience points and thus upping his level as a moderator significantly. You see? First, when we weren´t around he was a mere Level 2 Dude moderator, but now, largely due to our supreme presence (mine, at least) he would be the equivalent of a Level 321 Arch War Sorcerer Mage Warrior Battlepriest Healer moderator. You see now? We are actually of enormous aid to dear sir rahvin.

Where in shit´s name did you find that paragraph, Mattias? "i couldn't monitor the situation 24/7" - you know what this means, don´t you? This means that rahvin is NOT at the board always.

And, by the way, note that I also do not suck.

Rahvin is spreading LIES, DAMNED LIES AND PROPAGANDA to the people who were not there when the little "flooding" incident occured! He's abusing that they don't know what truly happened to his own advantage! This is preposterous!! It's brainwashing! He is making us, the greatest person in the world (me), and the gayest person in the world (you) look bad, while eveyone else on the board is hailing him as a hero! A HERO!! Just for clicking a few buttons and banning some strangers he's never met! This is not the qualities of a hero! A hero saves lives and shit, not... protects Dark Tranquillity forums from intelligent people! "Phew, thank god you all support me for the terrible thing I have had to do! This has been a very tough day for me, but with your support I can finally breath out again, and sleep!!". This is madness! Even my groupy mousewings has turned against me! Oh woe is me! This is NOT the moral way to gain experience points. I worked HARD for my experience points, and he just makes a few lies and mouse clicks to gain more than I've ever made. I am offended!

But the biggest lie, of course, is how he said he couldn't monitor it 24/7. LIES! He can so do it, he does! I tried to penetrate that board at all hours of the day (because I have no life) and he was always there stopping me! MADNESS I say!

But Sic, I beg of you NOT to panic!! Because I'm sure you are. I will get us through these tough times. I swear it!
Originally posted by Dark_Jester
Can I join your noble quest guys? I can see the DT board...but they are visions I feel...maybe my visions can successfully aid you both? :grin:

YES! You may send them a message using the un-banned characteristics of your UM account. You must tell them THIS:

ATTENTION RAHVIN: Your lies have gone too far! The Best Person in the World and The Gayest Person in the World does not tolerate this. Holy war is coming. We suggest you prepare yourself for the coming holocaust. September 11th will seem like a gay pic-nic when they change their ISPs and create brand new identities. They will be untracable, very sneaky, impossible to catch. Except Sic who will fuck up all the time. Everyone will suffer!


Reposting the deleted threads qualifies as multiple posting, which is prohibited by the UM rules. And Rahvin wasn't the one that banned you. Mark blocked you from posting on the Dark Tranquillity board. Be happy you weren't banned from the whole UM community.

Wise words cadet Steve. Perhaps you and I will have time in the future to converse.
My two keen conversants...The post has been made. Time will tell what comes of it.

The post is as follows...

While I have recently visited the COB forum I have been sent on a mission. After conversing with two interesting/odd characters I have elected myself as well as been elected to pass on a message. While you read remember this one thing...Thou shall not slay the messenger, although in some cases he has bestowed his anguish upon his own dumb self.

YES! You may send them a message using the un-banned characteristics of your UM account. You must tell them THIS:

ATTENTION RAHVIN: Your lies have gone too far! The Best Person in the World and The Gayest Person in the World does not tolerate this. Holy war is coming. We suggest you prepare yourself for the coming holocaust. September 11th will seem like a gay pic-nic when they change their ISPs and create brand new identities. They will be untracable, very sneaky, impossible to catch. Except Sic who will fuck up all the time. Everyone will suffer!



Evidently they feel as if they have been cheated. Claiming their posts which were removed for no good reason/cause, they say that their "flooding" was nothing more than the replacement of good posts twice removed. Although I was not present for the situation I do believe that many of the bashers here who have been accusing share the same status as myself and therefore are not entitled to such an open opinion as I have witnessed.

- Dis
Originally posted by Mattias of the Night
Rahvin is spreading LIES, DAMNED LIES AND PROPAGANDA to the people who were not there when the little "flooding" incident occured! He's abusing that they don't know what truly happened to his own advantage! This is preposterous!! It's brainwashing! He is making us, the greatest person in the world (me), and the gayest person in the world (you) look bad, while eveyone else on the board is hailing him as a hero! A HERO!! Just for clicking a few buttons and banning some strangers he's never met! This is not the qualities of a hero! A hero saves lives and shit, not... protects Dark Tranquillity forums from intelligent people! "Phew, thank god you all support me for the terrible thing I have had to do! This has been a very tough day for me, but with your support I can finally breath out again, and sleep!!". This is madness! Even my groupy mousewings has turned against me! Oh woe is me! This is NOT the moral way to gain experience points. I worked HARD for my experience points, and he just makes a few lies and mouse clicks to gain more than I've ever made. I am offended!

But the biggest lie, of course, is how he said he couldn't monitor it 24/7. LIES! He can so do it, he does! I tried to penetrate that board at all hours of the day (because I have no life) and he was always there stopping me! MADNESS I say!

But Sic, I beg of you NOT to panic!! Because I'm sure you are. I will get us through these tough times. I swear it!

YES, this great smear campaign against us must come to a complete HALT. TO A BITTER HALT, dammit!!!

Even though Mattias has already created a come-back post with the purpose of being shown to the D.T.-board, I felt it sucked. No offense, Matt, but it was very poorly written and not up-to-par at all with my unparalleled english writing art. Yeah, and the September 11th reference was sooooooo disgusting it even made rahvin say it was disgusting. That´s how disgusting it was! Now I must compose a greater post, so elegantly written and thought provokingly magnificent that noone on the D.T.-board will know what hit them when they read it. It will surpass everyones (at the D.T.-board, obviously not at this one) comprehension and knowledge of the english language, obviously making them say stuff like "Yooo, that´s so disgusting and offensive, Sic, how you used the english language so perfectly and flawlessly.", "This is not high-quality diskussccion." and "I don't worry about the bodom board anyway... chldren of bodom suck" (that last one is actually authentic, that shows the level of maturity of some of ´em: first dissing us, then the whole CoB-forum). Yes, well, without further ado, I now present to you my defence-speech:

Dear mr rahvin sir person moderator dude type of being,
I was frankly shocked when learning that you had banned us. Shocked and appalled. Shocked, appalled and indeed very disgusted. I was so digusted that I said unto myself "Sic, this disgusting deed must surely be the most digusting deed ever done.", and then I agreed with myself "Verily, it is disgusting.". And then I was further disgusted by the fabrications you posted on the board, claiming that I and my esteemed colleague gay Mattias of the gay-gay Night posted thread upon thread upon thread ad infinitum. This is not true, and it is very disgusting of you to say so. What more disgusting is that you use this entirely fabricated fact to further your own reputation on the D.T.-board, making everybody sway their love to your favor. This is probably the MOST disgusting thing one can do; to steal love. It makes Mattias cry, can´t you see that?

Yours truly
The BEST person in the world

There! Now, the strategy is that they will not understand this supreme post, and in their confusion, they will let us back in. I am a master schemer.

Oh yeah, by the way, Mattias, he is being stripped of his experience points as we speak, seeing as he claimed them unjustly. So, the points revert back to us, thus making him a mere level 2 Dude moderator again, and us a pair of leveled-up hunks (well, me at least).
"The one thing U[sic]M was right about is HMAS not being worth visit. I wouldn't make this remark, but someone finally told me I was banned permanantly from there a month ago. No one even told me. but U[sic]M complained about all the wrong things in the wrong way. He was banned for all 200 or so of his posts, ecept maybe 3 or 4. I was banned specifically for one out of 2600+ posts. The post wasn't even against any rules, yet I was still banned. When the In Flames community settled there, tey said they didn't want it to be like the Dark Tranquillity board with so many rules and regulations. They continued to say his for a long time whenever there was a disagreement. I've been in both places. The Dark Tranquillity board is a lot better. This board has enough rules to prevent all the useless crap it could encounter, and If someone reasonably strecthes one of those rules, its allowed. On HMAS, you could be banned from the whole site for one post within all the rules on one board. WE have good moderators here.
*Hands Rahvin "Best Moderator" Award*
And Reno, if you are reading this, yes, this does mean I don't care about being unbanned anymore.

If nobody complains or argues about this, I wont mention it any more.

I wanted to add this to the discussion because it came up again. "

Stevie dear, do you not thinking you're taking your internet life a little too seriously? There is, after all, a real life, where a whole lot of SERIOUS issues take place. Like Sic not being able to get a job because he's White. That's terrible!
Hello, everybody!
So, how is everybody doing? Alright? Good.

Well, since this has turned into an all-out war (well, conflict, at least...oh, alright, a little tiff, then) here due to our unjust dismissal from the board which henceforth shall be known as "The board with no name", I will now submit something which may be the defining moment of this epic battle. Yay, for not long a ago, I posted a thread called "The ART-thread" on the board with no name. Along with this newly created thread I posted a painting. A work of art that was so truly provocative and disturbing that seconds after I posted it it was never to be found ever again. Indeed, the whole thread was ruthlessly deleted. Needless to say, it was probably very disgusting as well, not to mention the ACT of putting up the provocative, disturbing and disgusting painting, was also very disgusting. As a defining post of this war, if you will (well, you may use quarrel also, but that´s not as dramatic), this true work of art will most certainly be the last nail through the casket of the board with no name, so to speak.

So I give to you now, the original ART:
