Sick guitar tone >.<

Those stupid flat-brimmed hats with the stickers perpetually on them :erk: It started as a gangsta trend, and now tough-guy hardcore scene kids have embraced 'em, and the trend continues to spread, it seems...

I just wanna bump this cause...

That rules me out ever wanting an Invader if this is the typical tone you get from one.

I'm 90% certain all of the newer Monuments is Pod XT. Some older stuff was Toneport without any model packs IIRC.

This certainly sounds like a 30" 8-string guitar with a Lundgren M8 into a Pod. I like both the tone and the music. It does sound a bit too much like Tesseract at times though.

I remember that dude with the custom 8-string from Meshforum. R3tex is his nick there.
I'm 90% certain all of the newer Monuments is Pod XT. Some older stuff was Toneport without any model packs IIRC.

This certainly sounds like a 30" 8-string guitar with a Lundgren M8 into a Pod. I like both the tone and the music. It does sound a bit too much like Tesseract at times though.

I remember that dude with the custom 8-string from Meshforum. R3tex is his nick there.

As a drummer, I don't keep track of much (hahaha), so I didn't know there were 30" guitars! Wow, that's crazy...
I see your point, but this sound is totally different from where mushuggah takes things. I can hear an attempt at some resemblance to the DEI guitar tone in the notion that it's fairly thin and has a lot of grind, but thats about it. Meshuggah has way different bass tones, and even their DFHS drums sound assloads more organic than what these bands tend to go for. I'm not knocking anybody in the least bit, because I think it sounds pretty rad for their stuff, but it's just kind of easy to spot that sound, you know? Like, "Oh, another one of these bands, eh?"

I haven't heard enough of it for it to get anoying yet, and I have to admit I still like it, but I still take note when I hear the sound.

I'm thinking Bulb's popularity in recent years has influenced a lot of bedroom engineers. I'm not saying he's the originator of the sound, but he's definitely the first person I've heard it from.

And it all goes back to "Nothing" released in 2002. They ordered 8-string guitars from a Swedish custom builder (Fredrik Nevborn) because it wasn't available anywhere. They couldn't get the 8-strings in time for the recording, so they used 7-string Nevborns tuned down to an 8-string through PODs. A couple of years later Ibanez made their recent guitars, and released a "public" version of it in 2007, since the demands got higher.

Just a little bit of history there. :)
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Meshuggah didn't inspire or help spark this sound, but this sound I'm speaking of really sounds nothing like Meshuggah aside from the detuned guitars and some of the songwriting aspects. Somebody somewhere crafted a new sound from the Podxt/DFHS formula and a lot of people seem to be latching onto it.
Im currently using podxt with a boss ge7 to boost the tone a little.
The BUOAW sounds are all guitars, im playing on a 25,5" scale tuned G so it's the whobble effect you're hearing. Im having trouble playing anything longer than 26" so Roberts 8 string 30" is out of the question =]
I only use synths for atmospheres.

And yeh, we're ripping tesseract bigtime, and tesseract is ripping special defects bigtime so it's all Thordendal really. Don't we all love Thordendal =D

I wish we could record the drums but our drummer is currently busy with his other band Perhaps in the future.

And V-amp is awesome by the way, John Browne really squeezed some good stuff out of it.
Im currently using podxt with a boss ge7 to boost the tone a little.
The BUOAW sounds are all guitars, im playing on a 25,5" scale tuned G so it's the whobble effect you're hearing. Im having trouble playing anything longer than 26" so Roberts 8 string 30" is out of the question =]
I only use synths for atmospheres.

And yeh, we're ripping tesseract bigtime, and tesseract is ripping special defects bigtime so it's all Thordendal really. Don't we all love Thordendal =D

I wish we could record the drums but our drummer is currently busy with his other band Perhaps in the future.

And V-amp is awesome by the way, John Browne really squeezed some good stuff out of it.

Oh, hi seyd!

Well, you just answered what I wanted to know, which was that "BAUUUOW" sound of the guitars. I guess many would just say "Oh that's cool" and forget it, but that little sound in particular made me come back to your MySpace a whole bunch of times. It's incredible how such a small part of the song can make such an impression huh?

Aye, you've got a low tuning and I guess that's where it comes from... but I still can't believe how thick it sounds! It's awesome... BAOOUW :) You should incorporate more of that thing in your music, I've never heard it from any other band, not up front and in your face like yours. It could be your signature thing!

Terminal Function... cool guys, seen them live a few times, all the way back from the old days of "Parkrocken" in Sandviken =)

Well... "BAUUUOW" is what I think it sounds like, hahaha, so that's what I write :)

Btw dude, totally off-topic... like, even more off-topic than BAUUUOW-talk, your post count is going up SO fast, what the hell are you doing? O.o jeez.... :D
Btw dude, totally off-topic... like, even more off-topic than BAUUUOW-talk, your post count is going up SO fast, what the hell are you doing? O.o jeez.... :D

I dont think I´ve seen a single thread where metaltastic haven't pushed the Reply button in. :D
Haha, yup, I just always have something to say, I suppose! My morning routine (on days where I don't have class) is to hunker down with coffee and breakfast, read the night's posts, and then just pop in periodically through the day - it makes me happy, and certainly doesn't consume an inordinate amount of time! (no more than vegging in front of the TV watching sports for hours on end, for example ;))