Sick guitar tone >.<

Haha, yup, I just always have something to say, I suppose! My morning routine (on days where I don't have class) is to hunker down with coffee and breakfast, read the night's posts, and then just pop in periodically through the day - it makes me happy, and certainly doesn't consume an inordinate amount of time! (no more than vegging in front of the TV watching sports for hours on end, for example ;))

Agreed, it's a great fun routine. I usually do the same too... though I don't drink coffee but I bring whatever I'm supposed to eat with me and a good drink and just go through what has happened over the night. Then I'm usually not around until the evening again, where I do the same thing... evening meal + drink + reading forum. =)

Haha, I fucking love how some threads just go WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY off-topic when the discussion is "officially done". Here we are, talking about daily routines, coffee, food... etc. Nice! :)
We should turn this into a jailbait thread

I'm all up for that! ... think of when new people come to the forum and they find this thread and think "Oh cool, it's a thread about some sick ass guitar tone!", and then they find all the jailbait stuff... owned bitches!



Haaahah, I just had an image in my mind, of you sitting at the computer and your guitar in your lap and hitting your lowest string really hard and just tilting your head back and screaming "BAUUUUUUUUUUUUWWWWW MOTHERFUCKER!!!" :D ... I don't know where the "motherfucker"-part came from btw, but apparently it made sense in my head.

I'm gonna put that BAUUUOOW thingie somewhere in my sig or beneath the avatar...

And JESUS CHRIST, I just realized I wrote "right" instead of "write," what a 'tard alert - for the sake of my dignity, I beg of you to correct it in your sig! (even though it'd be a misquote :erk: :lol: )

And JESUS CHRIST, I just realized I wrote "right" instead of "write," what a 'tard alert - for the sake of my dignity, I beg of you to correct it in your sig! (even though it'd be a misquote :erk: :lol: )

Hahaha, I noticed it the first time I read it but I thought I'd not be a dick and point out that you made a typo, but yeah... since it's visible in my sig now, I should change it.... but damn dude, you're ruining the fun! haha ;)
I think those 'scene' bitches are pretty hot, in a fuck em a few times and go to the next sorta hot ya know? I know metaltastic knows.

Haha, think you're right about that!

Maybe we shouldn't turn this into a jailbait thread btw... as we're in the Production section of the forum, I think this would just distract members. This thread officially belongs in the off-topic section now though :D
Dead lines?


Oh... perhaps I meant deadline, not dead line. Haha :) I hate this difference between english and swedish. Alot of stuff is written together in swedish as a single word, while most of the corresponding things would be two separate words in english. But sometimes that is not the case, thus... typos! :(

Hell yea, BAUUUUOOWWW!! to you too :)

Hmm come to think of it... I'd like to hear that bad ass boss dude from Mortal Combat yell "BAAAAAAAAAUUUOOOWWWW to me!!"