Side Projects


Sep 7, 2001
By in large, what do you think of the impact, if any, a band member doing a side project has? Does it create tension in a band, or is it a good way for the members of a band to get a break from each other and express themselves in other ways? Do you know of any bands in which a member doing a side project contributed to the band breaking up?
Well, some bands have a certain sound that they aim for, and experiment within those constraints, but are afraid of going outside these boundaries and alienating fans. Thusly, they do a side projet (ex. Marcus Norman would probably be shot by Bewitched fans for doing anything remotely like Havayoth and labeling it Bewitched!)
It makes no difference unless the memeber has not that much free time and has to sacrifice one of the bands in wich it becomes an issue. If i had enough time ( i probably have ) and knew enough people i would be working in like 7 different bands.
It makes no difference unless the memeber has not that much free time

I'd agree with that......if 2 of the bands are very similar though, i would just concentrate on one in order to give everything i could to that style all in one band.....if that makes any sense:loco:
Originally posted by Demonspell
Ask the guys in Dream Theater, they're all involved in multiple outside projects, and I don't think it's had any real adverse effects on the band at all, and definitely some positive ones...

Indeed. It seems anything those guys touch turns out great.
I think in most cases (unless the band is full of poo's) that working on a sideproject would help the band.
The said member working in a side-project would learn more about his/her instrument(s) and possibly master a new style, and if so, he/she could incorporate it into the playing styles of the band, thus evolving musically.
I'm not sure but the huge amount of side projects of the Emperor members could've lead to their breakup. Or the side projects were just another symptom of the internal troubles in the band.

Bruce Dickinson left Iron Maiden to follow his solo career.