Silly things that make you irrationately/unproportionately annoyed or upset

When people replace "S" with "Z"

When people purposely misspell words to look cool.

Now I have a problem misspelling words because I'm dyslexic, I have an excuse :p
Because the entire point of having a license to drive a motor vehicle is the ability to drive it. I'm not saying everyone has to own a standard, just that when you do your driving test it should be done with a standard transmission to ensure that you can operate all motor vehicle configurations in your class of driving license. This would weed out a whoooooooooole bunch of retards on the roads in the US.
No, automatic is stupid. You get lower gas mileage, lower horsepower, and in the event you actually DO have to drive a standard in an emergency situation, you're pretty much fucked.

If someone is too uncoordinated to use a clutch then they should ride a fucking bicycle.
Manual shifting is more efficient, more powerful, and safer. Auto transmissions waste fuel, waste power, and cause reckless driving behaviour. The only place where auto transmissions are the norm is in America. The rest of the world prefers manual shifting.

Yep. Notice I said "weed out a whole bunch of retards on the roads in the US". There's a reason why the rest of the world prefers a standard transmission. It's safer, it's cleaner, it's more powerful, and you don't have black people laying down in the front seat causing accidents because they can't see over the steering wheel.

The speed shifting is a different animal, though. It's mainly found on sports/luxury cars, so if you've got one of those hybrid transmissions chances are you're not worried about gas mileage or power.

I think everyone should know how to drive a manual too, but I'm not as convicted about it as DW. If the situation presents itself where you need to drive one and can't, well then... that's what you get for not knowing.
Okay. Here you're only allowed to drive automatics if you made your license on an automatic. You are allowed to drive automatic if you made it on manual, though. Makes sense...

I think everyone should know how to drive a manual too, but I'm not as convicted about it as DW. If the situation presents itself where you need to drive one and can't, well then... that's what you get for not knowing.

I never understood why it was never made mandatory, though. What happens if you're with a friend in his/her vehicle who becomes incapacitated and needs to get to the hospital ASAP? Are you gonna dump the clutch every two feet on your way there, or call an ambulance and wait for them to come while he/she is dying because you couldn't drive a standard? It's pretty dramatic, I know, but that's precisely why it's the law here to be able to drive a standard transmission.

That's a lot of guilt to be carrying around with you all your life if someone gets seriously hurt and dies because you couldn't get them to safety because you can't use a clutch.

I remember when I first started driving a manual transmission...I was 10, and it was on an old 1979 Jeep we used to have...three speed.

It was pretty embarrassing.
I never understood why it was never made mandatory, though. What happens if you're with a friend in his/her vehicle who becomes incapacitated and needs to get to the hospital ASAP? Are you gonna dump the clutch every two feet on your way there, or call an ambulance and wait for them to come while he/she is dying because you couldn't drive a standard? It's pretty dramatic, I know, but that's precisely why it's the law here to be able to drive a standard transmission.That's a lot of guilt to be carrying around with you all your life if someone gets seriously hurt and dies because you couldn't get them to safety because you can't use a clutch.

I've given this exact scenario to people in real life conversations who also think it's unnecessary to know how, and they say shit like "Well yeah but the chances of that happening are so slim. And I would try if I had to..." every damn time.
