Similarities between Damnation/Sörskogen etc.


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
So last night I was listening to Damnation VERY LOUD and loving it... and since I had the damned chorus to 'To Rid The Disease' in my head all night, it gave me time to think, and I realized that Mikael's vocal part is very reminescent to the Sörskogen song Mordet i Grottan's...

'Vem var det som mördade honom
Vem var det som tog hans liv
ingen vet, ens idag'

...chorus part.

Feel free to post any other similarities you've noticed.
I love both songs.but Mikeal said that Sorskogen was only a 1 song thing.And that there will not be anymore more material being recorded or released.

so stop crying.
Moonlapse said:
I disagree... I love Mordet i Grottan more than any Damnation track.

Bah. That track is average at best. The synth sound is cheesy and it's exactly why I LIKE the mellotron on the new record. It WILL age well, and WON'T sounds overtly '70s in 10 years. Personally, much of '70s keyboards sound awful. There are few exceptions.
Sorry for being one fucking rookie, but I don't know a thing about the Sörskogen project and I see posts about it here all the time. Since I am a huge fan of Opeth since November and have posted here a while I just wanted to know something about it. Could anybody tell me?

/seventi (confusion is my riddle)
Its a side thing Mikael did with Dan swanö... as you´ve problably gathered its 70´s inspired prog... only one song though titled Mördet i grottan (sp?) you can probalby get it at Kazaa or dc++