simple question for ya


throbbing member
Feb 2, 2002
Las Vegas
what's the correct way to pronounce "Bodom"? i'm from the states so im not familiar with the infamous lake or anything, so i was just wondering. i've always said it like B-ah-dum, sorta like "bottom" with a D.
Mmh, it´s just BODOM if you say it like you know.. Finnish way, that´s really kinda *right* way to say it, same way as you write it.. BUT if you say Buudom or what ever, you know, not the way its written then it´s just english way to say it.. Or something. Fuck, i don´t know how to explain it. :lol: :lol:
that "buudum" is just some swedish way to say it...the lakes name is swedish so thats why some say it like that...but in Finland we say it just the way it´s written....BODOM....O´s like in the word "cold" for you americans who dont know how it goes....
But still even if their name would be buttbird or anything it´s still the music that counts:headbang:
with my gringo masshole accent i just say it bow (like bo jackson)-dum. but what does it matter. bowdum, boodum, bawdam, boodam, budom, OCTAPHONE!!!