Sin City


I hate wiener dogs. Dreadful creatures.
Mar 3, 2004
Tulsa, Ok
Two Thumbs way up. I was out buying the new Bloodbath today and I all of the sudden realized that Sin City comes out today. Well It kicks ass. Mickey Rourke is awesome. Bruce Willis plays the best character he has had since Die Hard. Clive Owen does an awesome job for being relatively unknown over in the US. Only Picture I can remeber him from is King Arthur. Hell Josh Hartnett opens the movie with a 4 minute scene and ends the movie in similar fashion and by far surpasses anything I could possbily think of thats hes done. The EXTREMELY over the top violence only accentuates an already kick ass movie. Very few colors , almost the whole film is in black and white accept for blood which isnt always red and eye colors, actually give it such a great Max Payne gritty feel. Best Movie Ive seen in a long time. Go see it , at 2 hours and 10 minutes its well worth the 6 bucks I paid to see it. More people get shot , stabbed, or have ripped their balls off then just about any movie youll ever see. Rutger Hauer and Micheal Clark Duncan have good supporting roles and Elijah Woods character wears a strangely familar charlie brown like shirt , but is seriously deranged and disturbing. Actually hes pretty scary to tell the truth. I know your probably thinking " Oh god Josh hartnett " or "Elijah wood? Scary?" and all I have to say to that is , Dont knock it til you watch it. Its brilliant. Benecio Del Toro steals the show. His sinister, sleazy, bad guy type character is perfect for him. Never once did I feel cheated outta my money while watching this movie. Its that good. Oh yeah and theres a shitload of violence including some nice work with a hatchet , oh and theres naked chicks too which is always a plus.

Also bought Splinter Cell Choas Theory , Rhapsody best of Comp. , and SYL CITY, oh and PayBack with Mel Gibson.
It's probably good. Most people won't understand the violence and say it will suck, especially the critics who know nothing.
Its fucking A good..Allcaps man pretty much summed it up...
the cinematography was brilliant, the acting was well done (its based on comic books so some somewhat cheesy Sam Spade-esque shit was gonna be said) and the violence was very over the top....since most of the movie was in black and white (with hints of color here and there) one couldnt really see alot of gore and blood making it easier to get away with all of that there violence...but it was enjoyable...every part (even the trashy Britney Murphy's) was played out very well...
i suggest seeing this! good disturbing stuff!
yay, seeing it tonight, after we eat overpriced mexican food

I've never read any of Sin City, but I love comic books, so I'm sure I'll enjoy it.. thoroughly
I concur, its a winner.

KEvin- Elijah Wood's character is totally awesome.

Clive's Character is awesome - Dwight

eVerybody totally kicked ass. And the girls were HOT!
I haven't read the comic yet, I have scans of it on my pc I've been meaning to read though.

Some nerdy sounding guy sitting behind us at the theater said it was basically word for word/panel for panel from the comic though *shrug*
:ill: Does that mean I'm nerdy too for asking? waaaah!

Heh. I did read it and would like it to be true to form after the horrible job they did with Constantine.
hahaha no.. I meant nerdy in the voice he was using.... very stereotypical elite comic book store nerd

I started to read hellblazer before I saw constantine, but then realized that it would thoroughly ruin any enjoyment I would get out of that movie, so I passed :D
Chromatose said:
hahaha no.. I meant nerdy in the voice he was using.... very stereotypical elite comic book store nerd

I started to read hellblazer before I saw constantine, but then realized that it would thoroughly ruin any enjoyment I would get out of that movie, so I passed :D

Oh yeah, Comic Book Shop guy, like on the Simpsons! I'm not that bad. I liked the Xmen. ;)

If you've seen it, then you can read it now. John is a complete bastard, you'd love it.
i actually saw one of the comics...someone at work found one at an old comic shop or something and brought it in...Marv looks EXACTLY like he does in the comic! go Mickey Rourke! that issue was the one dealing with Marvs situation in the movie...very very close!