Since I dislike the new album art, I prefer mine.


My soul got a crack
Sep 9, 2002
Phoenix AZ

Well I didn't make the art, only made the logo better and the title. I dislike when band members are on their own covers. So enjoy...or don't..I don't care.
LifeDepraved said:

Well I didn't make the art, only made the logo better and the title. I dislike when band members are on their own covers. So enjoy...or don't..I don't care.

I totally agree! Half my love for EG(exagurating) is because of the art in the booklets,wich almost completaly disapeard with TIC.and the members being on the,that looks like a fucking single from some winner of american Idol or some shit!

Your artwork was cool though,I like it;)

Stay Grey:headbang:
Wow. Um... Easy on the outerglow/drop shadow. It's a nice idea but it doesn't look too professional imo. I don't think any of the other covers had a bevel on the logo either.

Not to be a downer, I just think more could be done. I think the official art is rather interesting and different from previous albums