Cover Art as posters?


God To The Godless
Nov 3, 2002
Does such a thing exist? I'd prefer that it just have the band's cover art, no band members, possibly even without the band logo or album title, but even that may be stretching it a bit.

I'd like to frame these posters and decorate my room with them.
yeah, they have em. i have an emperor poster (autographed) of the prometheus album.

although, recently, ive takin to putting my vinyl (in the sleeves) on the wall. works just as well.
I have a poster of Slayer from the Jagermeister tour. I stayed after the show for an hour/hour-and-a-half trying to get it autographed, but only saw Tom and Kerry get on the bus.

Anyways, are there any catalog sites (like say Metaldisc, etc) where I can find these posters, or would it be more likely that I'd have to purchase them from the band themselves?
plastichead sells some posters i think. as long as you dont mind paying shipping from the UK
I have album art from Angantyr "Sejr", Katatonia "Tonight's Decision", Ulver "Nattens Madrigal", Bruce Dickinson "Accident of Birth" and Anathema "Eternity" on my walls... So yeah, they exist
i find it fucking hard to find good posters around but i got some old slayer ones and some bolt thrower also i got this awesome amon amarth poster