Since what year have you been a fan?

Since what year have you been a fan?

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2002 -- my friend got me into The Odyssey.

Got into V a few months later which became my favorite album of all time.
1998 - in the pauses between learning for University with a friend, he always turned on SyX TDG and TDWOT and I just got slowly hooked by the classical / metal sound of it that I immediately bought TiO when it was released and then, soon after all of the other three then-released albums.
So I was quite familiar with their music when then a few years later V was released, which didn't hook me at first, but then became a lifetime favorite!!
Since 1997, first CD I heard by them was DWoT, and I finally saw them live for the first time on 8/8/05! Hopefully it won't be another 8 years before I see them play again.
Ok then so I think it was about Dec 2002. Funny thing is that I went there for BG and came away a Sym X fan..=)
First heard them in '04. I knew who they were after that, but i never actually got into them until like January this year with V. (Thats also when I started researching Atlantis.) 2 months later, I found my new favorite website, other than Musiciansfriend. (Here's a hint.
Since this year sincerly
Found them when I searched for an alternative to DT

First CD - Live on the Edge of Forever
The year 2000 with V.

I went to a music shop, and i saw the album, loved the cover very much. Hadn't hear the band before. Bought the album, and hated it. After i listened for 5 or 6 times, i began to like it, and then i am obsessed with this album. Even now, it is my favourite album...
I was 17 in 97' when some random person that i was talking to online told me that if i like Dream Theater then i should check out DWoT. At the time it was 35 bucks to order it but i did anyway...needless to say that moment changed my life. I did not get to see them live untill 2000 on the V tour at progpower 1. which also changed my live because i still go to all the Progpowers which really opend my eyes.
DWoT 1999 heh.. out of the ashes of my youth
V - The New Mythology Suite 2000
The Odyssey 2002
Daaaamn DAMN!! DAMNATION GAME!! 2002
Twilight 2003
Self-Titled 2004
Live on the edge of forever 2004
The Dark Chapter 2005 (i know it doesnt count @_#)
Been a fan since 2000, and the first cd I purchased was V. My "musical mentor" at the time told me to check them out since I was a Dream Theater fan and I was hooked right away. To this day I'm still upset I couldn't attend PP1 because I wasn't 21+ (and I'm still not). :p
That's horrible. When they tour, please, for the love of ZEUS! Play somewhere without age restrictions, like B. B. King's!!!!