What is the band thinking/up to?

eh, it'll probably be a while before any 'real' news comes from this. they had their run, and now they're just out of ideas
It didn't used to. Their first five albums were released from 1994-2000.

Yeah but maybe back in 95 he didn't have kids, a wife, a job and a house to take care of ? Just saying..

People are so insitent it's fucked up beyond imagination. Take a chill pill and relax, you'll get your album when it's done ;P
Come on, man. The majority of musicians in bands have "kids, a wife, a job and a house to take care of" or some combination of those things. Yet the majority of bands don't need 4-5 years to come up with an hour or so of new music. These guys don't even have the "well, we're always so busy being on tour" excuse to make.

You can't get mad at people for pointing out the fact that Symphony X has become abnormally unproductive post-2002.

they had their run, and now they're just out of ideas

This is the sad reality.
I would rather listen real art pieces from SYX, rather than fabricated stuff like Dream Theater did for quite a long time.
I only really admire Awake and SFAM of DT. I listen to some others just to have some fun, rarely. Their self titled was good though, apart from the vocals. If only LaBrie preferred to sing like in his solo albums. I even can't stand his vocals in the last many albums of DT. I miss his versatility and diversity in Awake, or his soulful voice in SFAM. I even prefer his Hetfield like vocals on Systematic Chaos, rather than what he did on the last album.
Train of Thought is awesome :P
What I'd love is a new Liquid Tension album and I'm sure it will come.

AsoTamaki, MJR composes all the music himself, give him a chance and it's always complete and complex. I won't cry for a delay, I know what it is to compose everything.
Oh man, Awake is definately my fave of theirs. I&W is great though too. Really, it was all cuz of Kevmo, Their still pretty good but Ruddess annoys the hell out of me sometimes with his patches. Labrie has never really been a problem for me like with other people.
I think LaBrie was actually an asset to the band around the time of I&W but those days are long gone. And I totally agree about Kevin, he's by far the coolest guy ever to be related to that band.
Haha like Train of Thought? :Puke:

:lol: What a bad album...

Train of Thought is great. It's not as pretentious as some of DT's 'best' albums, which is probably why I like it. Personally Scenes is my favorite albums of theirs.

Serious question: are the members able to live off the money they make from the band? I'd be surprised if that was the case considering how inactive they are most of the time. You'd think if they toured more and made more music that it would be possible. It's such a shame, they are such a talented group of people, and much of it is wasted due to inactivity.
Train of Thought is awesome :P
What I'd love is a new Liquid Tension album and I'm sure it will come.

AsoTamaki, MJR composes all the music himself, give him a chance and it's always complete and complex. I won't cry for a delay, I know what it is to compose everything.

The first one was the only good LTE.

Those guys can't make a good album now if they tried. They've been a joke for 10 years.
Yeah but maybe back in 95 he didn't have kids, a wife, a job and a house to take care of ? Just saying..

People are so insitent it's fucked up beyond imagination. Take a chill pill and relax, you'll get your album when it's done ;P

The music business is tough. If you're not all in, you won't succeed.
Octavarium was unoriginal, predictable, and unsurprising. Good melodies, good sound but nothing to be amazed for me. Systematic Chaos? Well, it reflected the social and systematic spirit of the age, but it was not artistic IMO. I didn't listen to ADTOE very much. It was sth like generic prog metal album for me, especially soundwise. I think what made DT, DT was their original, inventive and innovative sound. (No need to talk about their accomplished musicianship of course.). They just tend to be over-productive in time, like fast food music. I don't blame them for that, it is a different path, which gained them lots of fans, but also disappoint some other dedicated fans. IDK other countries, but must of DT fans in here lose their interest in the band. Only ADTOE and self titled was appreciated, liked or loved by the half, or the majority. IDK for sure.
They don't always play The Oddysey. I wish they did. Last time I saw them, they played only Of Sins and Shadows and Inferno from the pre-Paradise Lost albums. It was like that the whole tour. Extreme disappointment. Needless to say, those two songs were the highlight of the evening...