
Like Sin Explode
May 18, 2007
hey guys happy new year.I amwas interested in all of the girlfriend is a pro singer and wants to start making lessons,she has a lot of stuff but she is not that into internet and I wanted to help her.can you recommend me any of you singers out there any forums ,books or youtube subscribers that you like?thank you guys :)
one guy!!! BRETT MANNING.. check out hes Mastering the Mix, Singing Success the most awesome programs on the planet. Has helped me expand my range with atleast 2 octaves (no kidding!!!!)

a really good read for someone trying the metal vocals, its got Geoff Tate, Ripper Owens, and Bruce in there and a load of other singers...very helpful read

Pro Secrets of Heavy Rock Singing
ISBN-10: 1860744370
ISBN-13: 978-1860744372
one guy!!! BRETT MANNING.. check out hes Mastering the Mix, Singing Success the most awesome programs on the planet. Has helped me expand my range with atleast 2 octaves (no kidding!!!!)

Are you for real?

Adding two + octaves to your voice is more than a lot.....

That's way more than the average person's range you have added to your existing range.

What was your range before training with this guy?
Are you for real?

Adding two + octaves to your voice is more than a lot.....

That's way more than the average person's range you have added to your existing range.

What was your range before training with this guy?

When i started out my range was about E-A2, Big E on guitar and A below male high c. Now i can usally go down to an Contra A (5th fret on bass low E) and up to A (15fret on guitars high E) So not really 2 octaves but one and a half octave is pretty sick anyway. I can go lower and higher some days but that is what my range is nowdays on a regular basis. I also experienced the bird register (mariah carey) and then i sung as high as one octave higher then womens high C.

Here is atleast the High A (around 0.55-1.00)to back up my claim :
Pretty sick. How long have you been practising?

I would say i was pretty good before practicing with mastering the mix. A good "safe" note would be G below male high C. It took me about 5months with the program to master my second bridge (Ab,B) and i've been practicing about 4-8hours a week, so it is allot of hardwork.
The key is to master the second bridge in your voice (ab,b if your a tenor) then you actually get a feel of release in your voice when going over the second bridge. The mastering the mix is all about learning to blend head voice and chest voice.
What you get for free when you start to master it is a natural compression which gives total freedom to your voice. If you want to hear crazy natural compression listen to Dream theaters first album with Labrie, the breathiness you hear in his voice is actually natural compression.
And my pitch has improved allot, there is no autotune on that clip i posted :)