
Talking Backwards

Senior Citizen
Oct 5, 2009
Not out yet obviously--and I was cautiously optimistic--but I'm actually excited to see it now. Really liked Casino Royale, but not Quantum of Solace nearly as much. Critics are saying things like "One of the best in the 50-years of the franchise" and even going as far as saying "The best Bond movie ever". Also claiming that it's one of the best action movies of the past ten years too.

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i do like that they are playing down the camp and ludicrous contraptions on this latest run, i think the brosnan bond films took that angle about as far as it could go in the modern realm.
Wasn't too keen on QoS either. That may be attributed to the choice of director, but I was glad Mendes took this on. Don't know whether I'd call Skyfall the best Bond film but it manages to balance the modern, gritty Casino Royale-Bond with some of the wit and fun of the older films, without being camp or too self-referential. Craig brings more of the Connery/Moore-ish swagger to his usual damaged veteran this time. Without revealing anything, M has an interesting arc as well. Worth seeing in IMAX if possible.

Shite theme tune, mind.
on that subject what's everyone's favorite bond theme? id go Garbage - The World is Not Enough. music, lyrics, performance were perfect bond style. actual film is towards the bottom of the list though:

song had a good music video plus they cut a few lines for the credits but i couldnt find a quality version
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Yeah, TWINE was one of my least favorites. Much of it was due to the completely logic defying Denise Richards character.

Speaking of Brosnan Bond movies; Goldeneye was probably my favorite Bond movie up until Casino Royale. I never really got into the Connery movies, and I found the rest up until Goldeneye to be "fun" when I was a kid, but as I got older they just seemed too silly.

I don't know what my favorite theme is either, although A View To a Kill always stuck in my head and Moonraker has some very nice vocal work. I know that Casino Royal's pissed me off more than anything.
So, Skyfall was the dog's bollocks. Excellent film making. They were going in a particular direction with QoS, but it didn't work and Forster was the wrong choice. Mendes was much smarter.
I thought bollocks meant balls, so i was thinking it was "the dog's balls" haha. I have definitely heard it used as a reference to someone's privates. I guess its just kindof a general 'dirty' word?
Thanks I will not be seeing that film - skyfall ha

whata load of shit

FORMAULA 451 was excellent thanks