Slate Digital FG-X Mastering Processor

One thing I've discovered after putting some more time in with FG-X on a wide variety of material is that you have to approach your mix differently. I'm sure this is obvious to many of you, but like Ermz touched on, many of us are mixing in a way that is catered toward our limiters, doing things like making the snare track way louder than it should normally need to be, to compensate for transient loss. This is habitual for most of us to the point where we might not even think about it anymore.

For example, I tried FG-X on a thrash metal mix that I had done a test mix/master of with Elephant, and I found that I hated my mix with FG-X. I had to somewhat rethink my mix to make it sound good with FG-X, but the end result was a better mix, period.
One thing I've discovered after putting some more time in with FG-X on a wide variety of material is that you have to approach your mix differently. I'm sure this is obvious to many of you, but like Ermz touched on, many of us are mixing in a way that is catered toward our limiters, doing things like making the snare track way louder than it should normally need to be, to compensate for transient loss. This is habitual for most of us to the point where we might not even think about it anymore.

For example, I tried FG-X on a thrash metal mix that I had done a test mix/master of with Elephant, and I found that I hated my mix with FG-X. I had to somewhat rethink my mix to make it sound good with FG-X, but the end result was a better mix, period.

Yeah I know what you mean, but it is great.

I cant wait for my next session where I´ll mix how I want it to sound, and with no compromisses!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cant wait for my next session where I´ll mix how I want it to sound, and with no compromisses!!!!!!!!!!!!

Same here. I couldn't wait to say goodbye to all the transient and punch loss of a mix for the sake of volume. It's worked fine so far, I'm very impressed.
One thing I've discovered after putting some more time in with FG-X on a wide variety of material is that you have to approach your mix differently. I'm sure this is obvious to many of you, but like Ermz touched on, many of us are mixing in a way that is catered toward our limiters, doing things like making the snare track way louder than it should normally need to be, to compensate for transient loss. This is habitual for most of us to the point where we might not even think about it anymore.

For example, I tried FG-X on a thrash metal mix that I had done a test mix/master of with Elephant, and I found that I hated my mix with FG-X. I had to somewhat rethink my mix to make it sound good with FG-X, but the end result was a better mix, period.

It's not JUST the transient of the snare that gets lost though... when really pushing volume, the whole snare (transient and body) starts to get lost.

Do any of you guys have some nice, loud masters of some modern metal/melodeath/metalcore using FG-X where the snare is still really punching through without having to use a clipper on the drum bus? Just curious to hear
Steven, One question for ya: You say FG-X handles 'balanced' mixes well, with well 'balanced' low end. But how it deals, for example, with reggae? I've got a couple reference reggae records that have really LOUD sub bass and bass frequencies and are far from balanced, might i say. Even the compressors we use, hardware GSSL and Cytonic The Glue have some trouble with this amount of bass frequencies and need to be used in a more subtle way.

Btw, i have yet to test it on my stuff..Ozone is leaving this 'plastic' feeling on everything i use it on (kinda like that Alesis crap CD recorder with a built in limiter), so if FG-X can give me the same loudness, without these artifacts, it will be gold for me.

Yeah, I'm kinda curious about that too. "Balanced" can mean completely different things depending on the genre. Some types of music are way more bass heavy than others...
Hello dudes.. The FG-X can do lows. Lots of em. I'd say this, if the ITP is at 0.3 it'll do awesome on lows.. and I've got reggae mixers, electronica mixers.. If an ITP of .3 is giving you issues, check the mix. I assure you it needs fixing.

As for punch, man I mixed the snare up on that demo song 3db too hot and it still punches through with FG-X as compared to the other tools... Joshua PM me the link to a mix you are having issues with and I'll help you know whats up with the mix and then tell you the settings I'd use for the FG-X.

I've gotten some great feedback on how the FG-X is really helping people with their mix balances, which I am really happy about. Specifically, a lot of guys are writing me to tell me that its the ultimate way to check the proper level of the kick drum in the mix. Cool stuff, I'm glad you guys are digging.
Interested trying this but don’t wanna spend money before I’m sure it works for me. People could do more tests with eq:ing the orig mix and post all problematic results here. I don’t kinda like an idea that its fault of the mix if it doesn’t work with an audio tool meant for mastering. Or this build from the start to some “ideal” mix balance (what that could even be) or SSD drum aid against disappearing in bad mastering?

Steven, does FG-X also work “backwards” – I mean when you say its transparent, could you then pick the eq curve from my masters and use it on your mix and then post your FG-X master version here. If I’m concinced I’ll buy it at the blink of the eye.

Here are one quick master (how I liked to master your mix) and one random picked metal master preset of mine for the low end punch test (actually it sounds better if mastered still 2-3 dB higher).
What do you think Steven, will I benefit by buying your program and getting even better results?

Btw, I’m not gonna reply any questions about me or my stuff in this thread. Only interested about Stevens program and how it will handle those things discussed.

Thanks in advance,
We have an update coming that will make this more forgiving on mixes.. there are also a few other updates to the algo that are blowing my mind.. so stay tuned..

If you buy FG-X, there will be a discount on the VCC.
Yes, but we may have to send another license for it.. so if your ilok can handle the extra license, it shouldn't be a problem
We have an update coming that will make this more forgiving on mixes.. there are also a few other updates to the algo that are blowing my mind.. so stay tuned..

If you buy FG-X, there will be a discount on the VCC.


Where should I be purchasing these from? Do you have an online store for it that will apply the discount? I plan on buying these as soon as you give me the details.

Thanks again,

we will update the demo installer, but some people will want more time to play with it, and in that case, we'll have a new license for it. If it comes out and you still have time left on your current demo, then you could still test drive it with the same license.
Hi enditol, thanks for the review. Regarding the crackling, drop the ITP a bit, if that doesn't work, examine the lows on the mix.

I have an update coming that will make it more forgiving on mixes with big bursts of sub bass which could cause issues.. we're working it out now within the algo. To be clear, with a balanced mix the FG-X can get very loud with a high ITP.. but problematic mixes can be harder.

Remember also that you can automate the ITP down for certain sections.

I just wanted to update this. The problem wasn't caused by lows but rather mids and particularly distorted guitars. The mix was not 'unbalanced' in my opinion although I suppose that's subjective. 2 things that helped solve the issue for me:

1. I reduced the amount of saturation I had on the master bus, 'cooking up' the mids a bit less
2. I placed an upsampling limiter (Elephant) after FG-X for the last couple DB

In the end I used FG-X for the master. Compared to Ozone I just preferred the openness and dynamics that it brought to this project. I'll post up some clips later when I get permission from the band. I'll definitely be buying this and look forward to using it as another tool for mastering on future albums.
Very cool.. if you could also send a clip of the mix to support so we can analyze it that would rock. We've already updated the algo to make it more forgiving so you won't need the extra limiter for the last db.. but it would be good to check with more mixes.
Very cool.. if you could also send a clip of the mix to support so we can analyze it that would rock. We've already updated the algo to make it more forgiving so you won't need the extra limiter for the last db.. but it would be good to check with more mixes.

Steve, does the algo update fix the cracking/popping at the current ITP settings or does it just extend the ITP "scale" down farther past the smooth level than is currently available?

My concern is that in order to reduce the cracking/popping that we'll have to crank the ITP process way down and end up losing the transient punch that this plug is so good at retaining as a result.
Hi Yarrick, for the best transient punch, arrange your mix levels, eqs, and balances so that at 0.0 ITP there are NO crackles. If you have problems, PM me and send me the mix and I'll help you out.

Also, CRANKKKKKK the dynamic perception.. it will enhance the punch and smack. I keep it almost fully right.

The new ITP process will not be any less punchy.. PLUS.. you can always automate the ITP slider :)