Slate Digital FG-X Mastering Processor

...dunno - :erk:

Heck - 2KEUR plugins last month, now waiting Wavelab 7 update and checking Sonoris DDP player in the shopping list too. But this FG-X is different decision for me. I’m demoing it right now (btw, the discount could be the price of iLok)… and my prob is that I (mainly) like meaty kicks and fatty snares and this plug seems to make kicks kinda “snappy” and snares somewhat “sharped-cracks” without wider “body” plus the whole mix/master is soon filled with (modern?) intersample peaks greater than 0dBfs which in some studies can’t even pro DAC’s (or surrounding equipment) handle too well. If you boost for example the “rock2MIX” anything over 3dB the intersample distortion is kinda exploding. This make me nervous if my ears gonna bleed in the long run. Is it anyway possible to update the plug to prevent those intersample peaks or is it its nature? Using some other loudness plugs in chain I can push even louder than that 8dB (FG-X example) and it just sound smoother.

I definitely have some use of that dist in the mixing stage with some instruments but just don’t dig it in mastering. Overshoots get still worse when converting to mp3…clicks and glitches…dunno, tell me folks.

Some people say the audio level should not exceed a certain threshold, in order to avoid distortion in the various audio media formats, processors, codecs, and converters, in the signal chain. In the digital domain, the True-peak level should be monitored. For those who're interested the SSL X-ISM is freebie for this.
Mikko to reduce those intersamples clipping you should lower your output level. I bet it is currently at 0db or -0.1db, a safer place to be would rather be -0.3db.

Yup, was thinking about gain staging and it sure helps in full version (invisible demo settings) the ceiling could set -1dB. Ok, this is good option to have so count me in for the purchase.
Miko, what are your settings? You can make the kick and snare sound very similar to the original mix by setting the ITP and Dynamic knob. Intersample peaks shouldn't be an issue with a -.3 ceiling. BTW Rock2Mix doesn't use the current 1.1 version which has a lot of advancements.

We're really happy with the FG-X, its already been nominated for awards and is making top 5 plugin lists all over the place. Its a very powerful tool, get to know the controls and don't mess with the TRANSIENT knobs unless needed.
if you bought it recently you should have a USERS account login/pass.. so go to USERS section and update to 1.1.. it rocks.
if you bought it recently you should have a USERS account login/pass.. so go to USERS section and update to 1.1.. it rocks.

When I do it redirects me to trigger updates (I bought both Trigger and FG-X).:guh:
thats weird, PM your email address.. did you use this for BOTH FG-X and TRIGGER purchase?
I've not demo'd this yet as I was a bit hesitant to spend £190 on a plugin (no offence Steven I'm sure it's fantastic, I'm just poor! lol)

But this talk of a possible group buy is making me think I might have to give it a go. So I think I'll be grabbing the demo next week and giving it a test drive.
thats weird, PM your email address.. did you use this for BOTH FG-X and TRIGGER purchase?
PM sent.
Yes, I'm 99% positive that's the only address I have used for both products (actually three products if I include SSD) .
steven, could you may say how much dudes we need to get FG:X a little cheaper?
and how cheap that would be;)

I just wanna know if I have to force people on the streets to buy FG:X...

Ahh and edit:
You've extended my demo(THX), and I haven't activated the code yet. Is it possible to update the demo(with "old" code) to 1.1? Pretty curious about the update...
Is this demo still available? Seems like Slate's user login system is all screwed up, I can't download the demo, and can't download my trigger update...

Nevermind, figured out the demo
thats weird, PM your email address.. did you use this for BOTH FG-X and TRIGGER purchase?

Did you get my PM?
