Slate Digital Trigger 2 and fast snare hits


New Metal Member
May 22, 2016
I've been using Drumagog 5 to replace snare hits before but it doesn't seem to be able to recognize any fast snare hits. For example, one of my band's songs is in 250 bpm and it has some 16th note drum fills. If I want to use samples, the snare track just ends up sounding retarded because Drumagog leaves out some snare strokes. No matter which settings I change. Really not happy with Drumagog 5 at all.

So I've been thinking of buying Trigger 2 instead. But I was just wondering if it has the same problem. Is it any better when it comes to fast drum rolls or would I just end up having the same problem if I bought it? Couldn't really find an answer to this on the interwebz so I would really appreciate it if some of you guys could help. Thanks!

Edit: Oh I just noticed that I probably should have posted this on Backline instead. Sorry about that.
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1. convert audio to MIDI (Massey DRT for example)
2. check the MIDI track for mistrigging and accuracy (use tab to transient if you're on PT - don't know the exact term for the other DAWs)
3. fix or improve velocities (might be different depending on the samples used)

This way, you have a MIDI track with all the snare hits written. So you have total control on your sound replacement and Drumagog, Trigger or whatever sound replacer plugins will act like a charme. It works everytime for everything.
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After a bit of googling and watching youtube tutorials I managed to transfer the snare track's audio to midi in Reaper without any external plugins. Then I set Drumagog to recognize those midi notes and it works perfectly! Can't believe it. Thanks a lot for suggesting that!