Slate Digital VBC - Example posted on Gearslutz

Sounds really good, lots of weight. The comp'd mix definitely sounds louder, I wish the apparent levels of the two samples were evened out so we could hear what the compressor was doing without the 'wow' effect from the extra volume.
Sounds really good, lots of weight. The comp'd mix definitely sounds louder, I wish the apparent levels of the two samples were evened out so we could hear what the compressor was doing without the 'wow' effect from the extra volume.

Drag them into your DAW and match levels (thats digital audio workstation for those who don't know :loco:)
way too much compression in this example if you ask me, the guitars are moving around like crazy during the chorus. but the overall vibe is nice!
way too much compression in this example if you ask me, the guitars are moving around like crazy during the chorus. but the overall vibe is nice!

"...seems to have some mixbuss compression already on it... but I still thought it was a perfect way to show what the FG-RED can do.. even though again.. it did NOT need more compression."

Can't wait to try it!
Yeah Slate, stop rooting around on gearslutz and get this thing released already!
"...seems to have some mixbuss compression already on it... but I still thought it was a perfect way to show what the FG-RED can do.. even though again.. it did NOT need more compression."

Can't wait to try it!

thanks for the hint, i haven't read his post exactly...:cry:
Sounds really good, lots of weight. The comp'd mix definitely sounds louder, I wish the apparent levels of the two samples were evened out so we could hear what the compressor was doing without the 'wow' effect from the extra volume.

I matched the tracks using LUFS metering.

Listen here:


I prefer the unprocessed. Really posting a wet track that was already compressed isn't going to impress me lol.

It should be done with its original 2buss bypassed and then the slate, then posting an original 2buss and slates, to make out whats going on, not just adding to the existing 2bus. anyway

I guess it would be a great product (sinse I like most of slates stuff), but the way this demo was made wasn't really the way 2go imop

On a more serious note, import both files into a DAW, volume match and phase flip one of them and you can actually hear the movement and distortion the compressor is generating. Really, really cool.
Here's the same mix going through the FG-GREY, which is inspired by the SSL compressor but with the addition of authentically modeled Neve input and output transformers, which enhance the richness, punch, and lows:

Again, because it was already compressed, it's now overcompressed... BUT.. you can hear the tonality of the processor.. Its not just a simple compression curve.. all the harmonics, modulation, and amplifier nonlinearities from the hardware are all in there too. We were shocked that we really couldn't find any of this nonlinear goodness in other popular plugin mix compressors.

VBC out soon..
