Slave Whipping Blasphemy

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New Metal Member
Aug 11, 2004
Does anyone know a hub or something where I can download their full album A Kall To Whips? They seem pretty interesting from their samples :)
I don't know anywhere where you can download the full thing. But as that page indicates, you can download almost all the songs on the CD at Soundclick.

I wonder what BlackMetalTyrant will have to say about this thread.
I actually got into an arguement with the bass player of a band I used to play with, He claimed that there were no gassings too. He said Zyklon was used to disenfect mattreses and clothing. Jews were killed every way possible, I don't get why some people are stuck on the gassing not happening. I dont really care though.
BlackMetalTyrant said:
I actually got into an arguement with the bass player of a band I used to play with, He claimed that there were no gassings too. He said Zyklon was used to disenfect mattreses and clothing. Jews were killed every way possible, I don't get why some people are stuck on the gassing not happening. I dont really care though.
Right. Zyklon B was used in the delousing centers, but there were no gas chambers. There are so many holes in the gassing theory, it's not even funny. Large amounts of cianide (used in zyklon b) were found on the walls of the delousing centers, while only trace amounts were found on the walls of the rooms claimed to be gas chambers. Also, the alleged gas chambers were not airtight, and were located right by the crematoria, which would surely have caused a massive explosion, since zyklon b is highly flamable. The prisoner who said they had to go into the gas chambers only minutes after the gassings to remove the clothes of the gassed prisoners was obviously lying, because they would have died themselves if they would have done that. Other Holocaust myths have already been proven false (like the lampshades made of human skin, the mass electrocution rooms, and mass killings in "steam rooms"), yet the gassing myth still survives. I know this was off topic, but I just felt like elaborating on a point you brought up.
Ok I guess there are myths but it doesnt matter, If someone kills someone, why would it matter if they were shot in the head or stabbed in the head. Maybe that was a bad comparison but the fact is why bring that up if the people are already dead and we know who killed them. It really doesnt matter thats the point, its over. Your right, they weren't "gas chamber" per say, zyklon b when it hits the air is poisonous and it will kill you, so shower rooms were used to kill them with zyklon, it was put in the pipes and came out of shower heads. Its sad that it happened but Jews were killed in the holocaust everyway possible and its pointless to argue over a few methods.
Ultimately what is the main thing someone that says there were no gas chambers trying to accomplish? I wasn't there so Im not 100% sure what happened, but what is the big deal with the death by gassing vs. the delousing by gassing arguement. I wont try to make anymore discussion about it because I don't care enough, but whats the point of those articles?
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