Slave Whipping Blasphemy

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Dodens Grav said:
lolz confusing genocides. That sounds alarmingly funny. BTW why is there a Holocaust museum with only Jews? Because it's capitalized. WTF. Stalin killed exponentially more, and more brutally, so why don't we mourn for them? The average person (or at least American) doesn't even know about that.
Have you read Execution by Hunger??? great account of the "unknown" Holocaust in the USSR
Honest said:
this is hilarious. racist people trying to be rational.

unfortunately, world war II happened, lots of innocent jews were killed, and thats how it goes.

believing that a worldwide effort was created to make up the holocaust is pretty far out there.

Yes, WWII did happen, and yes some Jews died on German soil. But the industrial-scale extermination via gaschambers and so forth is pure fabrication. Most of the Jews in the German camps died toward the ends of the war, when the Allied bombings had destroyed German infrastructure, and the prisoners in the camps could therefore not be provided with what they needed. Typhus was probably the most common cause of death among the concetration camp prisoners.
So what you guys are saying.. is that nearly every history book published that contains historical "evidence" about the holocaust is fabricated?

All the footage of mass graves, and starving people: fake?

All the interviews with holocaust survivors are staged?

All the literature surrounding every aspect of jew persecution: moot?

All of the concentration camps that are now set up as museums are set up to give the impression of mass killings?

All of this multiplied by millions upon millions worldwide in every book, tv show, movie, comic, newspaper in every household in every city in every nation !!!

Wow, if the jews pulled this off, then they deserve to run the world.

:OMG: hahaaha
I guess it sucks what happened to the jews, but their not special. History is full of genocides. Get over it jews.
Life Sucks said:
Right. Zyklon B was used in the delousing centers, but there were no gas chambers. There are so many holes in the gassing theory, it's not even funny. Large amounts of cianide (used in zyklon b) were found on the walls of the delousing centers, while only trace amounts were found on the walls of the rooms claimed to be gas chambers. Also, the alleged gas chambers were not airtight, and were located right by the crematoria, which would surely have caused a massive explosion, since zyklon b is highly flamable. The prisoner who said they had to go into the gas chambers only minutes after the gassings to remove the clothes of the gassed prisoners was obviously lying, because they would have died themselves if they would have done that. Other Holocaust myths have already been proven false (like the lampshades made of human skin, the mass electrocution rooms, and mass killings in "steam rooms"), yet the gassing myth still survives. I know this was off topic, but I just felt like elaborating on a point you brought up.

How about Nazi war criminals who went on trial and, under oath, said that Jews were gased for means of mass extermination?
Devy_Metal said:
How about Nazi war criminals who went on trial and, under oath, said that Jews were gased for means of mass extermination?

These so-called "war criminals" were beaten and tortured and forced to confess.
You have the living hell beaten out of you on a daily basis for weeks on end and you'll say anything to make it stop.

And YES, all of the books, TV shows and movies are extremely exaggerated or just pure fabrication. When you see who runs ALL of these outlets you can understand how this is possible. Read the link in my previous posting entitled "who runs America".
This is not "racist" propaganda it is the hard cold truth.
I talked with some people at work today and realized how wrong calling the holocaust a hoax is. Millions of people were killed, people were gassed, shot, beaten, starved, and killed many other ways. No one is lying except the people on or others that are trying to downplay the holocaust. Its really stupid, insensitive, and coldhearted to try to give the jews shit about the holocaust.
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