Slave Whipping Blasphemy

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lolz confusing genocides. That sounds alarmingly funny. BTW why is there a Holocaust museum with only Jews? Because it's capitalized. WTF. Stalin killed exponentially more, and more brutally, so why don't we mourn for them? The average person (or at least American) doesn't even know about that.
People really don't realize that, that hitler and stalin killed everyone they didn't like. In the holocaust we are talking about thousands and thousands on non jews were killed to by hitler, Gypsies, Gays, or anyone else he felt like killing.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Yeah, I always thought it was a lot less than 6 million. Maybe I'm confusing genocides here?
No, you are not confusing genocides. The aforementioned Swiss newpaper stands correct. The ridiculous 6 million figure a fabricated by a terrible, inaccurate historian named Simon Wiesenthal, who purposely exaggerated the so-called Holocaust to further his own cause. Many of his lies have already been discovered.
Life Sucks said:
No, you are not confusing genocides. The aforementioned Swiss newpaper stands correct. The ridiculous 6 million figure a fabricated by a terrible, inaccurate historian named Simon Wiesenthal, who purposely exaggerated the so-called Holocaust to further his own cause. Many of his lies have already been discovered.

Damn straight! It's refreshing to see someone speak the TRUTH for once instead of the "pc" zionist programmed lies. People need to wake up to the fact the jews are using all of these fabrications, such as the holohaox, so as to garner as much sympathy as possible, thusly leaving them free of question and able to freely pursue their goals of domination. Through their monopolizing hold on the mass media they control what people think by force-feeding everyone outright lies and propaganda on a daily basis. Their hold on US and British government is causing rising world wide conflict for THE SOLE PURPOSE AND BENEFIT OF ISRAEL!.
If their stranglehold is not broken soon, and I mean DAMN soon, then we either will all be reduced too mindless servants of ZOG or face WWIII.

For real unedited non-jew controlled news, insight and camaraderie go to
Maybe somethings in the holocaust were exagerated but its far from a hoax, and Jews definetly don't control the news. That kind of Ignorance, blaming jews, is pretty cliche and is what caused so many Innocent Jews to die(yes other people died too).
Being far planted on either side of this issue is equally dangerous, I'm afraid.
BlackMetalTyrant said:
Maybe somethings in the holocaust were exagerated but its far from a hoax, and Jews definetly don't control the news. That kind of Ignorance, blaming jews, is pretty cliche and is what caused so many Innocent Jews to die(yes other people died too).

Incorrect! It is a FACT that the jews run the media in total. For proof of this read the information contained in the link provided below.
Your "leftist" programmed ignorance is what caused all of the horrible mess that we're in at present.
Im not reading that because it is not from an unbiased point of view. Saying the jews run everything is the stupidest fucking thing Ive ever heard. I did a project in high school on racism and I looked through that site for about 30 minutes, its a bullshit site, Im not saying that because Im black, Im saying that because the site is run by white people that need somebody to blame their problems on.
i've only been here for about 2 weeks, so i might not know something, but why do you post here? no one likes you
this is hilarious. racist people trying to be rational.

unfortunately, world war II happened, lots of innocent jews were killed, and thats how it goes.

believing that a worldwide effort was created to make up the holocaust is pretty far out there.

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