i've only had this happen to me once (that i remember), a few months back. my boyfriend had just gone to work that morning and i laid back down to go to sleep. just laying there thinking about things, then BAM i can't move, i felt like i couldn't breathe. it felt like there was something hovering over me and i saw like this sorceress surrounded by a gray clouds swirling around her, and a big ball of light in her hands. there was noise, noise i'm not sure what of. but you know when you're hearing something loud and it stops, thats disturbs you. well thats what happened and next thing i know i was out of it, awake. very awake and shaking. thats the only incident of that which i remember.
as for sleepwalking, i only did that once, when i was about 8. at the time i was sleeping in the same bed as my mom, and i remember getting up out of bed and doing this. on the floor i had a cup full of little odds and ends. and i pulled out an orange bouncy ball, thats what i was looking for. my mom asks me what i'm doing and i say "i'm looking for the salve to put on my finger." wtf? hahaha