slightly off-topic old-school stuff....White Lion


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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I am an oldschool fan and I normally keep my oldschool stuff to the appropriate forum...... namely the UMOS (ultimate metal oldschool forum) forum. However, I recently realized I forgot one of my all-time favorite songs, and upon listening to it, I actually thought many here might like it as well. Despite growing up in the 80's, I wasn't to big into the "hair bands" preferring bands like Accept and Iron Maiden etc. However, White Lion was an exception. They had some cool stuff !!! "Lady of the Valley" was my favorite. This is it.........

A great song, no doubt. I feel like the debut is more in this style and less "hairy". Here is one of my favorite tracks from Fight To Survive:

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"El Salvador" is a classic.

White Lion were another band that got lumped into the hair metal genre, but had a lot more substance to their music (ala Winger) than their image portrayed. Vito Bratta was a monster back in the day.

Here's one of my favorites, off the fourth album..... Love the tapping section that builds into the chorus.....
Also, just happened to get an Amazon email this morning pre-selling a new White Lion anthology, which includes several tracks from "Wait" in their original form, plus it looks like several OLDIES from pre-"Fight to Survive"?

Very curious.
One of all time best definitely , though there's quite a bit of filler on the albums, the best songs are as good as it gets. Lilly of the Valley is definitely a standout . I am also going to pick Warsong from the last album. Great lyrics and nasty riffs with multiple solos. Together with subject matter reminds me of Military Man from Lynott Gary Moore.
Anybody catch White Lion reference in recent the onion story about President Obama's state of union speech? About Biden being a roadie on White Lion Pride tour.
White Lion was definitely one of the best. One thing I loved about the 80s was how there were so many guitarists with unique styles. Vito Bratta was one of the most recognizable.
I saw them on the Pride tour before "Wait" was released. They opened for Frehley's Comet and Y&T..they were great but the crowd was mainly there for the return of Ace so they gave them a lukewarm reception
I saw that same tour.....I went for Y&T mainly but was blown away by WL, especially Vito. So many of my favorites are unjustly looked over as "poppy hair metal" (and it WAS a sign of the times to be fair), but I always felt White Lion, Cinderella, Winger, etc. were more than that. I admit to being an 80's metal old I'll continue to wave the flag for the ones I think deserve it!!
Not sure how it's off-topic seeing how all the old fogies on this forum always discuss Asia, and Toto, and Tesla, and all other bands that have one song on a movie soundtrack somewhere.
Not sure how it's off-topic seeing how all the old fogies on this forum always discuss Asia, and Toto, and Tesla, and all other bands that have one song on a movie soundtrack somewhere.

This. I always put him on that level just below Vai, Satriani, Malmsteen, alongside guys like Lynch, Lee and Gilbert.

I actually put him on the same level talent wise as ANYONE, but below the guys you mentioned simply because he took too many chapters out of the EVH book of guitar and just wasn't quite as inventive.

Criss Oliva from Savatage is and will always be my favorite guitar player, partly because of his amazing tone. Out of all people who tried to sound like Criss, Vito Bratta came the closest. If that was pure coincidence based on the two of them having the same influences, or if he actually tried to sound like Criss, I would not know (although Criss's old tech once told me he Vito always showed up at their shows...)

White Lion had their time in the spotlight, so I can not call them criminally underrated. But they deserved every cent they made, it was such a great band.

Why am I rambling? I know there are tons of Savatage fans here, so if they wrote off White Lion for being too MTV-oriented back in the day, give them a try! Especially for that godly guitar tone and work!
Well said, and I agree 100%.

I also think one thing that IS underrated about White Lion is everyone in the band EXCEPT Vito. Yeah Mike was mighty pretty, but it isn't hard to tell the guy worked/works hard on his vocals. I think he had one of the finest voices of the sub-genre. Greg and James seem to be even more overlooked, but both actually surpassed Mike and Vito as far as being successful musicians before and/or after Whitle Lion.