While this probably should be discussed in the "chat" thread, I am sure other people are out there like me and are new to this "reputation" thing so I don't think it's too far off-base. I read music and football message boards and am a also big on newsgroups, but this "reputation" thing is completely new to me. I have 25 reputation points and just realized it five minutes ago. It would help if I knew what they were, but simply by judging the responses I received, if you make a post that is just oustanding to someone they can give you reputation points. I guess they can take some away if you make one that is really bad (like this post >
I personally don't think it's a big deal normally, but on occasion, I see someone make an oustanding post (or a horrible one) and I think it's a notable gesture to give the posters their due. I feel bad that I didn't thank the individuals that thought enough of my post to give the points, but I didn't know what that stuff was.
Now back to our regularly scheduled program...

I personally don't think it's a big deal normally, but on occasion, I see someone make an oustanding post (or a horrible one) and I think it's a notable gesture to give the posters their due. I feel bad that I didn't thank the individuals that thought enough of my post to give the points, but I didn't know what that stuff was.
Now back to our regularly scheduled program...