slip editing and auto fades when slicing regions in logic?


Celestial Recordings
May 17, 2010
North Wales, UK
Is there a way to do this?

I've seen bits on youtube but they were both 30 - 45 second clips with no audio and wern't very helpful at all.

I'm using logic 8. Is this easier to do in logic 9 with the flex tool?

Thanks in advance
Ah ok :(

I'm at the point now where I'm deciding between Reaper and Logic. I've got so use to logic and have a smooth workflow but Reaper has a lot more useful funtions
Ah ok :(

I'm at the point now where I'm deciding between Reaper and Logic. I've got so use to logic and have a smooth workflow but Reaper has a lot more useful funtions

I'm in the exact same position mate,

decided im moving from Logic/Hackintosh to a new PC with Reaper, with Adams customisations to mimic ProTools.
I thought i had a solid workflow in Logic, but an hour of watching Adams videos and messing in Reaper had me totally convinced.

feels good man.
If Reaper had some kind of Flextime, id be there. Does reaper come with any plugins like logic does?

The playrate function hold alt while dragging the edge of an object.
There are numerous algorithms that can be used globally or on a per-clip basis.

Combine slip editing with that time compression/expansion and autocrossfade. You've got pretty much all you need.

With that said, I prefer Pro Tools' elastic audio for intuitiveness.
Just found it :) Thanks robotlove!

Im gonna try the demo version of Reaper and go from there. Watch all the youtube tutorials and read this forum to death!
Anybody recommend any decent reaper tutorials?

Its only $60 for a personal license which is pretty damn good