slipknot, 9.0 live

(M)aggoT said:
Some guy gave his comment about this video(or not??)

" Although I don't listen to their music or care for it, I think the reason they were stupid masks is to prove they don't care about the fame, If they did they would have revealed their faces so everyonw knows who they are"

I think that SlipknoT care about their fame. They are changing their masks releasing every new album so people won't get bored of them. You know masks are the main part of SlipknoT image. I think changing masks is not a good idea, they should wear masks like in s/t album.
You think I'm stupid? I listen to SlipknoT for four years, just look at my nickname. Now i'm listening to black/death metal, if SlipknoT will release something like Iowa then I will get back to them.
(M)aggoT said:
You think I'm stupid? I listen to SlipknoT for four years, just look at my nickname. Now i'm listening to black/death metal, if SlipknoT will release something like Iowa then I will get back to them.

Here's a task for you - try and find an album with worse lyrics than Iowa.

I'm not expecting you to get back to me anytime soon.
(M)aggoT said:
You think I'm stupid? I listen to SlipknoT for four years, just look at my nickname. Now i'm listening to black/death metal, if SlipknoT will release something like Iowa then I will get back to them.
I've been listening to them for the past 6 years. And I do think you're right about they're getting lame, but their live cd is awesome.
Guitar Virtuoso said:
9/10 one of the greatest live albums ever, corey taylor's voice fucked up every now and then but very solid.:rock:

fuck. im glad you reviewed it, otherwise i wouldn't know anything about the album.

and immortal's lyrics are not worse than shitknot's
Killbot_Mk.2 said:
Bah to slipknot says I. Live from Mt.Fugi by GWAR is way better than any live album slipknot could churn out.

agreed, Gwar is actual music. Slipknot is just a bunch of bullshit. Leave slipknot to emos and wanna be metal heads.

Nobody in slipknot can play their instruments, and corey's vocals suck dick.

Im glad i gave up slipknot in 7th grade...
War_Blade said:
agreed, Gwar is actual music. Slipknot is just a bunch of bullshit. Leave slipknot to emos and wanna be metal heads.

Nobody in slipknot can play their instruments, and corey's vocals suck dick.

Im glad i gave up slipknot in 7th grade...
Well i guess that im a wanna be metal head then.
War_Blade said:
agreed, Gwar is actual music. Slipknot is just a bunch of bullshit. Leave slipknot to emos and wanna be metal heads.

Nobody in slipknot can play their instruments, and corey's vocals suck dick.

Im glad i gave up slipknot in 7th grade...
Now you sound like a bunch of bullshit.

1 ) Slipknot's songs actually have a meaning unlike Gwar (one of the worst bands ever!)

2) If no one can play their instruments, why are they so succesfull?

3) Joey (the drummer) is considered to be one of the best drummers of these days
Joey is somewhat overrated. Slipknot is more overrated. I'll admit that they are one of the best nu-metal bands, but they are really repititive for one, and they write boring riffs. Repetitive and boring riffs are fine if the music goes anywhere, evokes strong emotions, or are well crafted, but abviously slipknot doesn't. There is nothing redeeming about slipknot except for the drummers technicality. As for lyrics, let's see, immortal vs. slipknot:

In the deadwhite moonlight
far above we reign mercilessly
Kings of the ravenrealm
Stronger than ice
Stronger than stone

Kill you - fuck you - i will never be you
Kill you - fuck you - i will never be you
I can't fuckin' take it anymore
A snap of the synapse
And now it's fuckin' war
Kill you - fuck you - i will never be you
TylerTheNuke said:
Joey is somewhat overrated. Slipknot is more overrated. I'll admit that they are one of the best nu-metal bands, but they are really repititive for one, and they write boring riffs. Repetitive and boring riffs are fine if the music goes anywhere, evokes strong emotions, or are well crafted, but abviously slipknot doesn't. There is nothing redeeming about slipknot except for the drummers technicality. As for lyrics, let's see, immortal vs. slipknot:

In the deadwhite moonlight
far above we reign mercilessly
Kings of the ravenrealm
Stronger than ice
Stronger than stone

Kill you - fuck you - i will never be you
Kill you - fuck you - i will never be you
I can't fuckin' take it anymore
A snap of the synapse
And now it's fuckin' war
Kill you - fuck you - i will never be you

You are proving the Immortal is better theory right?:)
Black Core said:
2) If no one can play their instruments, why are they so succesfull?

What a fucking dumb argument. Guess who must be better then slipknot? Backstreet boys, nsync, brittanny spears, ect. Don't give us this if they are successful they must be better then the non-successful bands. People who think that but don't realize the obvious flaw in their argument are so dumb that it is better for them just to shut up, or die. This post just infuriarates me for some reason. Not that I don't hear arguments like this all of the time, you dumb sheep, but something about its arrogence just hits a nerve. For some reason it reminds me of big government big buisness corporate hell.
TylerTheNuke said:
Joey is somewhat overrated. Slipknot is more overrated. I'll admit that they are one of the best nu-metal bands, but they are really repititive for one, and they write boring riffs. Repetitive and boring riffs are fine if the music goes anywhere, evokes strong emotions, or are well crafted, but abviously slipknot doesn't. There is nothing redeeming about slipknot except for the drummers technicality. As for lyrics, let's see, immortal vs. slipknot:

In the deadwhite moonlight
far above we reign mercilessly
Kings of the ravenrealm
Stronger than ice
Stronger than stone

Kill you - fuck you - i will never be you
Kill you - fuck you - i will never be you
I can't fuckin' take it anymore
A snap of the synapse
And now it's fuckin' war
Kill you - fuck you - i will never be you

The reason why they seem so repititve is because a lot of ppl are against them and that's what their music is about. So if you keep bitchin on em they will continue to do that. I'm bitched on a lot too, so that's why I like em so much.
Black Core said:
Can you show me 5 drummers that drum faster than Joey.
I'll do one better, I'll give you the songs so you can listen for yourself.

Horgh (Immortal) - One By One
Inferno (Behemoth) - Slaves Shall Serve
Nick Barker (Ex-Dimmu) - Blessings Upon the Throne of Tyranny
Junky Jon (Gorerotted) - Only Tools and Corpses
Mike Smith (Suffocation) - Involuntary Slaughter

To name but a few.